Смотреть что такое "apatite" в других словарях:
Apatite — Catégorie VIII : phosphates, arséniates, vanadates[1] Apatite Québec (Xl 32cm) … Wikipédia en Français
apatite — [ apatit ] n. f. • 1802; d ab. en all.; du gr. apatân « tromper », c. à d. « pierre trompeuse, pseudo précieuse » ♦ Minér. Phosphate de calcium en cristaux ou agrégats, à inclusions fréquentes de chlore (chlorapatiten. f.), de fluor, de silicium… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Apatite — Ap a*tite, n. [Gr. ? deceit, fr. ? to deceive; it having been often mistaken for other minerals.] (Min.) Native phosphate of lime, occurring usually in six sided prisms, color often pale green, transparent or translucent. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
apatite — s. f. [Mineralogia] Fosfato de cálcio natural. ♦ Grafia no Brasil: apatita … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
apatite — [ap′ə tīt΄] n. [Ger apatit < Gr apatē, deceit + ITE1: so named from being mistaken for other minerals] any of a group of variously colored, hard, hexagonal calcium minerals, Ca5 (PO4, CO3) 3 (F,OH,Cl), found mainly in sedimentary rocks, esp.… … English World dictionary
Apatite — Not to be confused with appetite. Apatite General Category Phosphate mineral group Chemical form … Wikipedia
apatite — /ap euh tuyt /, n. a common mineral, calcium fluorophosphate, Ca5FP3O12, occurring in individual crystals and in masses and varying in color, formerly used in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizers. [1795 1805; < Gk apát(e) trickery, fraud,… … Universalium
apatite — noun /ˈæp.ə.taɪt/ A calcium fluoride phosphate of variable composition, sometimes used in the manufacture of fertilizer. We had prepared, by precipitation methods, finely divided crystalline apatites that were similar in crystal size and x ray… … Wiktionary
apatite — apatitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė Ca₅[(F,OH)|(PO₄)₃] atitikmenys: angl. apatite rus. апатит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
apatite calculus — a urinary calculus composed of apatite … Medical dictionary
apatite — noun Etymology: German Apatit, from Greek apatē deceit Date: 1803 any of a group of calcium phosphate minerals occurring in various colors as hexagonal crystals, as granular masses, or in fine grained masses as the chief constituent of phosphate… … New Collegiate Dictionary