Смотреть что такое "mailbox" в других словарях:
Mailbox — Mailbox … Deutsch Wörterbuch
mailbox — mail‧box [ˈmeɪlbɒks ǁ bɑːks] noun [countable] 1. a box, usually outside a house, where someone s mail is delivered or collected 2. a container where you put letters that you want to send; = Postbox Bre 3. COMPUTING the part of a computer s memory … Financial and business terms
mailbox — mail box n. 1. A public box for deposit of mail, where it is later picked up by the postal authority for delivery. Syn: postbox, letter box. [WordNet 1.5] 2. A private box to recieve delivery of mail. The term is used both for boxes receiving… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mailbox — may refer to: Letter box, copper box, or other sturdy material compartment, or slot for incoming postal deliveries. Post box, a physical box for outgoing postal deliveries. Pillar box, post box in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Commonwealth of… … Wikipedia
mailbox — (n.) also mail box, 1797, box for mailbags on a coach, from MAIL (Cf. mail) (n.1) + BOX (Cf. box) (n.1). Meaning letterbox is from 1853, American English … Etymology dictionary
mailbox — /meilˈbɔks, ingl. ˈmeɪlbHks/ [vc. ingl. propr. «casella (box) postale (mail)»] s. f. inv. (elab.) casella di posta elettronica … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
mailbox — (izg. méjlboks) m DEFINICIJA int. poštanski sandučić za e mail poruke ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
mailbox — Any private receptacle or container used by customers to receive mail either at their residence or at the curbside … Glossary of postal terms
mailbox — [māl′bäks΄] n. ☆ 1. a box or compartment into which mail is put when delivered, as at one s home ☆ 2. a box, as on a street corner, into which mail is put for collection 3. Comput. the part of an electronic mail system that stores incoming… … English World dictionary
Mailbox — Postfach; Sortierfach * * * Mail|box 〈[ mɛıl ] f.; , es; [ bɔksız]; EDV〉 Speicher, in dem sich die Benutzer eines Datennetzes gegenseitig Informationen in der Form von „elektronischen Briefen“ hinterlegen können [engl., „Briefkasten“] * * *… … Universal-Lexikon
Mailbox — Das Wort Mailbox (vom Englischen für „Briefkasten“) steht für: Mailbox (Computer), ein Rechnersystem zur Kommunikation per DFÜ Mail Postfach zu einem Benutzerkonto ein digitalen Briefkasten oder ein digitales Postfach, siehe E Mail Voice Mailbox … Deutsch Wikipedia