- magona
f1) уст. железоплавильный завод2) уст. металлургия3) лавка скобяных товаров4) перен. изобилиеuna casa che è una magona — дом - полная чаша
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
magona — ma·gó·na s.f. BU 1. officina in cui si effettua la prima lavorazione del ferro, ottenendo dalla fusione del minerale greggio la ghisa | magazzino o negozio di ferramenta 2. estens., luogo in cui si trova di tutto 3. TS stor. → 2maona {{line}}… … Dizionario italiano
magona — {{hw}}{{magona}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Officina in cui si ottiene la ghisa dal minerale grezzo. 2 Industria metallurgica … Enciclopedia di italiano
magona — pl.f. magone … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Sindiwe Magona — (born 1943) is a South African writer. A native of the Transkei, she grew up in a township near Cape Town, where she worked as a domestic and completed her secondary education by correspondence. Magona later graduated from the University of South … Wikipedia
Uganda national rugby union team — Rugby team country = Uganda union = Uganda Rugby Football Union nickname = the rugby cranes captain = Peter Magona coach = Yayiro Kasasa from =Uganda caps = 38 top scorer =Allan Musoke pattern la1 = pattern b1 = pattern ra1 = leftarm1 = FF0000… … Wikipedia
Giacciano con Baruchella — Infobox CityIT img coa = official name = Giacciano con Baruchella name = Giacciano con Baruchella region = Veneto province = Province of Rovigo (RO) elevation m = area total km2 = 18.3 population as of = Dec. 2004 population total = 2302… … Wikipedia
Literature of South Africa — Elleke Boehmer (cf. Cullhed, 2006: 79) writes, “Nationalism, like patriarchy, favours singleness one identity, one growth pattern, one birth and blood for all . . . [and] will promote specifically unitary or ‘one eyed’ forms of consciousness.”… … Wikipedia
Malamulele — For other uses, see Malamulele (disambiguation). Malamulele Malamulele Town … Wikipedia
List of South African writers — This is a list of writers from South Africa.A C*Peter Abrahams *Rehane Abrahams, (1970 ndash;) *Tatamkulu Afrika, born in Egypt (1920 ndash;2002) *Christiaan Bakkes, (1971 ndash; ) *C. Johan Bakkes *Shabbir Banoobhai (1949 ndash; ) *Mark Behr… … Wikipedia
Pujehun District — Infobox City official name = Pujehun District nickname = | subdivision type = Country subdivision type1 = Capital subdivision type2 = Province subdivision name = Sierra Leone subdivision name1 = Gandorhun subdivision name2 = Pujehun leader title … Wikipedia
List of writers in Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing — Over 400 women writers are listed in Who s Who in Contemporary Women s Writing , edited by Jane Eldridge Miller, Routledge, 2001.A* Leila Abouzeid (born 1950), Moroccan novelist and journalist * Fawziyya Abū Khālid (born 1955), Saudi Arabian poet … Wikipedia