Смотреть что такое "magnate" в других словарях:
magnate — mag‧nate [ˈmægneɪt, nt] noun [countable] a very powerful and rich person who owns a large company or group of companies: • the media magnate Rupert Murdoch * * * magnate UK US /ˈmægneɪt/ noun [C] ► someone who has become very rich and successful … Financial and business terms
Magnate — Mag nate, [F. magnat, L. (pl.) magnates, magnati, fr. magnus great. See {Master}.] 1. A person of rank; a noble or grandee; a person of influence or distinction in any sphere; used mostly of prominent business executives; as, an industrial… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
magnate — s.m. [dal lat. tardo magnas atis, der. di magnus grande ]. 1. (ant.) [persona ragguardevole per potere, prestigio, ricchezza e sim.] ▶◀ [➨ maggiorente]. 2. (estens.) [persona di grande potere economico, grande industriale: i m. dell industria… … Enciclopedia Italiana
magnate — (n.) mid 15c., great man, noble, man of wealth, from L.L. magnates, pl. of magnas great person, nobleman, from L. magnus great, large, big (of size), abundant (of quantity), great, considerable (of value), strong, powerful (of force); of persons … Etymology dictionary
magnate — s. 2 g. O mesmo que magnata … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
magnate — [n] important person, usually in business aristocrat, bigwig*, businessperson, capitalist, captain of industry, chief, figure, financier, industrialist, leader, lion*, merchant, mogul, name, noble, notable, peer, personage, plutocrat, tycoon,… … New thesaurus
magnate — sustantivo masculino,f. 1. Persona de elevada posición social por su cargo o poder en los negocios: Algunos magnates europeos se han instalado en Marbella … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
magnate — (Del pl. lat. magnātes). m. Personaje muy ilustre y principal por su cargo y poder … Diccionario de la lengua española
magnate — ► NOUN ▪ a wealthy and influential person, especially in business. ORIGIN Latin magnas great man … English terms dictionary
magnate — [mag′nāt, mag′nit] n. [ME < LL magnas (pl. magnates), great man < L magnus, great: see MAGNI ] a very important or influential person in any field of activity, esp. in a large business or industry … English World dictionary
Magnate — For a wealthy or powerful business baron or executive, see business magnate. Stefan Czarniecki, an important 17th century Polish Magnate Magnate, from the Late Latin magnas, a great man, itself from Latin magnus great , designates a noble or… … Wikipedia