Смотреть что такое "antimafia" в других словарях:
antimafia — antimafia. adj. Opuesto a la mafia o que lucha contra ella … Enciclopedia Universal
antimafia — antimáfia ( fi a) adj. invar. Trimis de gall, 10.12.2007. Sursa: DOOM 2 … Dicționar Român
antimafia — adj. Opuesto a la mafia o que lucha contra ella … Diccionario de la lengua española
antimafia — an·ti·mà·fia agg.inv., s.f.inv. CO 1. agg.inv., finalizzato a combattere la mafia: leggi antimafia 2. s.f.inv. TS polit. → commissione parlamentare antimafia {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1962. ETIMO: der. di mafia con 1anti … Dizionario italiano
Antimafia Commission — The Italian Antimafia Commission is a bicameral commission of the Italian Parliament, composed of members from the Chamber of Deputies (Italian: Camera dei Deputati) and the Senate (Italian: Senato della Repubblica). The Antimafia Commission is a … Wikipedia
antimafia — {{hw}}{{antimafia}}{{/hw}}agg. inv. Di ciò che è volto a prevenire o reprimere la mafia … Enciclopedia di italiano
Direzione Investigativa Antimafia — Die Direzione Investigativa Antimafia (DIA) ist ein nationales italienisches Kriminalamt zur Bekämpfung der Mafia und anderen, ähnlichen Formen der Organisierten Kriminalität. Die DIA untersteht dem italienischen Innenministerium in Rom.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of members of the Italian Antimafia Commission — This list is for notable members of the Italian Antimafia Commission, a bicameral commission of the Italian Parliament, composed of members from the Chamber of Deputies (Italian: Camera dei Deputati) and the Senate (Italian: Senato della… … Wikipedia
Cesare Terranova — Judge Cesare Terranova Cesare Terranova (Palermo, August 15, 1921 – Palermo, September 25, 1979) was a magistrate and politician from Sicily notable for his anti Mafia stance. From 1958 until 1971 Terranova was an examining magistrate at the… … Wikipedia
Matteo Messina Denaro — on the cover of L Espresso Born April 26, 1962 (1962 04 26) (age 49) Castelvetrano … Wikipedia
Danilo Dolci — Dolci in 1992 Danilo Dolci (June 28, 1924 – December 30, 1997) was an Italian social activist, sociologist, popular educator and poet. He is best known for his opposition to poverty, social exclusion and the Mafia on Sicily, and is considered to… … Wikipedia