Смотреть что такое "levato" в других словарях:
levato — le·và·to p.pass., agg. 1. p.pass. → levare, levarsi 2. agg. BU alzato dal letto, sveglio: era già levato quando sono andato da lui 3. agg. CO proteso verso l alto: pregare con le braccia levate al cielo 4. agg. TS arald. di orso, rampante 5. agg … Dizionario italiano
levato — pl.m. levati sing.f. levata pl.f. levate … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
levato — part. pass. di levare; anche agg. 1. alzato, sollevato, teso in alto, volto in su CONTR. abbassato, calato, volto in giù 2. sottratto, detratto, estratto, tolto, eliminato CONTR. assegnato, dato, imposto … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Pedro Maurício Levato — Levato Pas d image ? Cliquez ici. Biographie Nom Pedro Mauríci … Wikipédia en Français
levato velo — /laveytow viylow/ An expression used in the Roman law, and applied to the trial of wreck and salvage. Commentators disagree about the origin of the expression; but all agree that its general meaning is that these causes were to be heard summarily … Black's law dictionary
levato velo — /laveytow viylow/ An expression used in the Roman law, and applied to the trial of wreck and salvage. Commentators disagree about the origin of the expression; but all agree that its general meaning is that these causes were to be heard summarily … Black's law dictionary
Pedro Mauricio Levato — Pedro Maurício Levato Levato Pas d image ? Cliquez ici. Biographie Nom complet Pedro Maur … Wikipédia en Français
fine anullando levato de tenemento quod fuit de antique dominico — /fayniy aenaleendow bveytow diy tenamentow kwod fyiiwst diy aentaykwow dsminakow/ An abolished writ for disannulling a fine levied of lands in ancient demesne to the prejudice of the lord … Black's law dictionary
fine anullando levato de tenemento quod fuit de antique dominico — /fayniy aenaleendow bveytow diy tenamentow kwod fyiiwst diy aentaykwow dsminakow/ An abolished writ for disannulling a fine levied of lands in ancient demesne to the prejudice of the lord … Black's law dictionary
levatokšt — interj. J = lavatokšt … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Club Atlético Douglas Haig — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar … Wikipedia Español