- lenticella
f бот.чечевичка (на коре дерева)
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
lenticella — len·ti·cèl·la s.f. TS bot. apparato pluricellulare di aspetto lenticolare sviluppato sulla superficie di fusti, rami e radici che, interrompendo la continuità del sughero di rivestimento, assicura gli scambi gassosi tra i tessuti vivi della parte … Dizionario italiano
lenticella — {{hw}}{{lenticella}}{{/hw}}s. f. (bot.) Formazione puntiforme o allungata sulla corteccia dei rami di varie piante … Enciclopedia di italiano
lenticella — pl.f. lenticelle … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
lenticel — noun Etymology: New Latin lenticella, diminutive of Latin lent , lens lentil Date: circa 1864 a loose aggregation of cells which penetrates the surface (as of a stem) of a woody plant and through which gases are exchanged between the atmosphere… … New Collegiate Dictionary
lenticel — lenticellate /len teuh sel it/, adj. /len teuh sel /, n. Bot. a body of cells formed on the periderm of a stem, appearing on the surface of the plant as a lens shaped spot, and serving as a pore. [1850 55; < NL lenticella, dim. of L lenticula… … Universalium
lenticel — [ lɛntɪsɛl] noun Botany one of many raised pores in the stem of a woody plant allowing gas exchange between the atmosphere and the internal tissues. Origin C19: from mod. L. lenticella, dimin. of L. lens, lent lentil … English new terms dictionary
lenticel — len•ti•cel [[t]ˈlɛn təˌsɛl[/t]] n. bot a corky slash or spot appearing on plant bark, above the epidermal stoma, that allows for the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and inner tissue • Etymology: 1850–55; < NL lenticella, dim. of L… … From formal English to slang
lenticel — /ˈlɛntəsɛl/ (say lentuhsel) noun a body of cells formed in the periderm of a stem, appearing on the surface of the plant as a lens shaped spot, and serving as a pore. {New Latin lenticella, variant of Latin lenticula lentil} …
lenticel — [len′ti sel΄] n. [ModL lenticella, dim. < L lens (gen. lentis), lentil] a spongy area in the bark of a woody plant, serving as a pore to permit the exchange of gases between the stem and the atmosphere lenticellate [len΄tisel′it] adj … English World dictionary
lenticel — n. Bot. any of the raised pores in the stems of woody plants that allow gas exchange between the atmosphere and the internal tissues. Etymology: mod.L lenticella dimin. of L lens: see LENS … Useful english dictionary
lenticellate — |lentə|selə̇t adjective Etymology: New Latin lenticellatus, from lenticella lenticel + Latin atus ate : having or producing lenticels * * * lenticellˈate adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑lenticel … Useful english dictionary