- lampreda
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
lampreda — lam·prè·da s.f. TS zool.com. nome comune dei vertebrati acquatici dell ordine dei Petromizonti, spec. di quelli del genere Lampetra, simili ad anguille, pescati per le carni commestibili {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 2Є metà XIII sec. ETIMO: lat.… … Dizionario italiano
lampreda — {{hw}}{{lampreda}}{{/hw}}s. f. (zool.) Animale vertebrato acquatico dei Ciclostomi, con corpo simile all anguilla, bocca circolare a ventosa munita di dentelli cornei … Enciclopedia di italiano
lampreda — pl.f. lamprede … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Lamprea — (Del bajo lat. lampreda < lat. naupreda .) ► sustantivo femenino ZOOLOGÍA Vertebrado acuático sin mandíbulas y de forma cilíndrica y alargada. (Lampetra y Petromyzon.) * * * lamprea (del b. lat. «lamprēda»; Petromyzon marinus y Lampetra… … Enciclopedia Universal
lamproie — [ lɑ̃prwa ] n. f. • 1178; bas lat. lampreda ♦ Poisson nécrophage sans écailles (cyclostomes), au corps cylindrique, à bouche circulaire, ayant l apparence d une anguille. ⇒ lamprillon. Lamproie marine, fluviale. Lamproie en matelote, bordelaise.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lamprete — Lam|pre|te auch: Lamp|re|te 〈f. 19; Zool.〉 größter Vertreter der Rundmäuler: Petromyzon marinus; Sy Meerneunauge [<ahd. lampreta <gallorom. lampreda „Neunauge“] * * * Lam|p|re|te, die; , n [mhd. lamprīde, ahd. lamprēta < mlat. lampreda … Universal-Lexikon
lamprey — /lam pree/, n., pl. lampreys. any eellike marine or freshwater fish of the order Petromyzoniformes, having a circular, suctorial mouth with horny teeth for boring into the flesh of other fishes to feed on their blood. Also called lamprey eel,… … Universalium
lampretă — lamprétă s. f., pl. lampréte Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic LAMPRÉTĂ s.f. Peşte de mare de formă cilindrică şi alungită, cu carnea gustoasă. [cf. germ. Lamprete, lat. lampreda]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 16.05.2005.… … Dicționar Român
Ammocoeles aepypterus — Lamprey Lam prey (l[a^]m pr[y^]), n.; pl. {Lampreys} (l[a^]m pr[i^]z). [OE. lampreie, F. lamproie, LL. lampreda, lampetra, from L. lambere to lick + petra rock, stone. The lampreys are so called because they attach themselves with their circular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ammocoeles fluviatilis — Lamprey Lam prey (l[a^]m pr[y^]), n.; pl. {Lampreys} (l[a^]m pr[i^]z). [OE. lampreie, F. lamproie, LL. lampreda, lampetra, from L. lambere to lick + petra rock, stone. The lampreys are so called because they attach themselves with their circular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lamper eel — Lamprey Lam prey (l[a^]m pr[y^]), n.; pl. {Lampreys} (l[a^]m pr[i^]z). [OE. lampreie, F. lamproie, LL. lampreda, lampetra, from L. lambere to lick + petra rock, stone. The lampreys are so called because they attach themselves with their circular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English