- Kazakhstan
(Республика) Казахстан
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
KAZAKHSTAN — Proclamé État indépendant le 16 décembre 1991, le Kazakhstan s’étend sur 2,7 millions de kilomètres carrés de steppes, arides pour l’essentiel; celles ci sont bordées à l’ouest par le bassin de la Volga et le rivage oriental de la mer Caspienne… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Kazakhstan — from the indigenous Kazakh people (from the Turkish root kazak nomad; see COSSACK (Cf. Cossack)) + Iranian root stan country, land (see STAN (Cf. stan)) … Etymology dictionary
Kazakhstan — [kä΄zäk stän′] 1. KAZAKH SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC 2. country in W Asia: became independent upon the breakup of the U.S.S.R. (1991): 1,049,155 sq mi (2,717,301 sq km); pop. 16,464,000; cap. Astana: formerly, Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic … English World dictionary
KAZAKHSTAN — KAZAKHSTAN, former Soviet republic in Central Asia, and from 1991 an independent republic of the CIS. It numbered 19,240 Jews (0.3% of the total) in 1939. In 1979 its Jewish population totaled 23,500 and in 1989, 19,900. By the early 2000s the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Kazakhstan — Republic of Kazakhstan Қазақстан Республикасы Qazaqstan Respublïkası Республика Казахстан Respublika Kazakhstan … Wikipedia
Kazakhstan — /kah zahk stahn /, n. a republic in central Asia, NE of the Caspian Sea and W of China. 16,898,572; 1,049,155 sq. mi. (2,717,311 sq. km). Cap.: Akmola. Former official name, Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. * * * Kazakhstan Introduction… … Universalium
Kazakhstan — 43°21′1.16″N 79°4′49.28″E / 43.3503222, 79.0803556 … Wikipédia en Français
Kazakhstan — <p></p> <p></p> Introduction ::Kazakhstan <p></p> Background: <p></p> Ethnic Kazakhs, a mix of Turkic and Mongol nomadic tribes who migrated into the region in the 13th century, were rarely united… … The World Factbook
Kazakhstan — noun a landlocked republic to the south of Russia and to the northeast of the Caspian Sea; the original Turkic speaking inhabitants were overrun by Mongols in the 13th century; an Asian soviet from 1936 to 1991 • Syn: ↑Republic of Kazakhstan,… … Useful english dictionary
Kazakhstan — noun /ˈkæzəkstæn,ˈkɑːzəkstɑːn,ˈkɑzəkˌstæn/ A country in Central Asia. Official name: Republic of Kazakhstan (Qazaqstan Respublikasy). Kazakhstan greatest country in the world. See Also: Kazakh, Kazakh SSR … Wiktionary
Kazakhstan — Қазақстан Республикасы (kasachisch kyrillische Schreibweise) Qazaqstan Respwblїkası (kasachisch lateinische Schreibweise) Republik Kasachstan … Deutsch Wikipedia