- kava-kava
f бот.; = kava
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Kava — (Piper methysticum) Systematik Magnoliids Ordnung: Pfefferartige (P … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kava-Kava — (Piper methysticum) Systematik Unterklasse: Magnolienähnliche (Magnoliidae) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kava Kava — (Piper methysticum) Systematik Unterklasse: Magnolienähnliche (Magnoliidae) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kava culture — refers to the cultures of western Oceania which consume kava, and the religious and cultural traditions associated with it. There are similarities in the use of kava between the different cultures, but each one also has its own… … Wikipedia
kava — [ kava ] n. m. • 1845; mot du sud ouest polynésien ♦ Poivrier (Piper methysticum) qui pousse en Polynésie et dont la racine est utilisée pour fabriquer une boisson enivrante; cette boisson. ● kawa ou kava nom masculin (mot polynésien) Espèce de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
kava — kàva ž DEFINICIJA 1. bot. grmolika biljka (Coffea arabica) iz porodice broćeva (Rubiaceae), zrnata ploda 2. meton. napitak priređen od pržena ploda kave ili mješavine koje imaju sličan okus, miris i djelovanje [pozvati na kavu; doći na kavu];… … Hrvatski jezični portal
kava-induced hallucination — Kava is Polynesian for bitter, pungent, sour, sourish. The name is used to denote a drink with allegedly mild * hallucinogenic properties which is brewed from the root, leaves, and stem of Piper methysticum, a pepper plant from the Piper aceae … Dictionary of Hallucinations
kava kava — käv ə käv ə n KAVA * * * ka·va ka·va (kahґvə kahґvə) [Polynesian kava bitter] a preparation of the rhizome of Piper methysticum, the kava plant, which is native to the South Pacific islands, having muscle relaxing, anticonvulsive,… … Medical dictionary
kava — KÁVA s.f. 1. Plantă exotică din familia piperaceelor, care creşte în numeroase insule polineziene şi a cărei rădăcină are miros plăcut şi gust acru. 2. Băutură preparată din rădăcina acestei plante. (cf. fr. kava, kawa < cuv. tong. = amar)… … Dicționar Român
Káva — Administration … Wikipédia en Français
Kava — Ka va, n. [Polynesian.] (Bot.) A species of {Macropiper} ({Macropiper methysticum}), the long pepper, from the root of which an intoxicating beverage is made by the Polynesians, by a process of mastication; also, the beverage itself. [Written… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English