- kaput
agg нем.; = kaputtкапутormai siamo tutti kaput — увы, всем нам крышка
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
kaput — kàpūt m <G kapúta> DEFINICIJA odjevni predmet, nosi se preko druge odjeće (npr. preko odijela) za zaštitu od hladnoće [kratki kaput; dugi kaput; zimski kaput] ETIMOLOGIJA tal. cappotto … Hrvatski jezični portal
kaput — 1895, finished, worn out, dead, from Ger. kaputt, probably a misunderstanding of the phrase capot machen, a partial translation of Fr. faire capot, lit. to make a bonnet, a phrase said in some etymological sources to mean lose all the tricks in… … Etymology dictionary
kaput — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}wykrz., pot. {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} okrzyk oznaczający przegraną, koniec, klęskę : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}No i kaput. Wszystko przepadło. Kaput! Już po telewizorze, zepsuty. <niem.> {{/stl 10}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
kaput — [kə poot′, kəpo͞ot′] adj. [Ger kaputt, lost, ruined, broken < Fr (faire) capot, to lose all tricks (as in piquet) < capster, to capsize] Slang ruined, destroyed, defeated, etc. [the toaster is kaput] … English World dictionary
Kaput [1] — Kaput, so v.w. Capote … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Kaput [2] — Kaput, Dorf im Kreise Zauch Belzig des preußischen Regierungsbezirks Potsdam, 600 Ew.; das vormalige königliche Lustschloß ist von Friedrich II. 1764 zu einer Türkisch Garnfärberei eingerichtet … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Kaput — Kaput, S. Caput … Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart
kaput — ● kaput adjectif invariable (allemand kaputt, abîmé) Familier Qui est cassé, hors d usage. Qui est épuisé, mort, hors de combat … Encyclopédie Universelle
kàpūt — m 〈G kapúta〉 dio odjeće, nosi se preko druge odjeće (npr. preko odijela) za zaštitu od hladnoće [kratki ∼; dugi ∼; zimski ∼] ✧ {{001f}}tal … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
kaput — kapȕt prid. DEFINICIJA reg. 1. koji je iscrpljen, na izmaku snaga 2. koji se pokvario (ob. o spravama) ETIMOLOGIJA njem. kaputt ≃ fr. capot … Hrvatski jezični portal
kaput — [adj] ruined, wrecked all washed up*, belly up*, burned out, cooked*, dead*, destroyed, done for, down and out, down for the count*, down the drain*, down the tubes*, finished, floored, had it, nonfunctioning, on the skids*, out of business, out… … New thesaurus