Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Itar-Tass — Immeuble de la Tass à Moscou ITAR TASS (en russe : ИТАР ТАСС), de son nom complet, Agence télégraphique d information de Russie TASS, anciennement TASS (Телеграфное агентство Советского Союза при кабинете министров СССР, ТАСС), est une des… … Wikipédia en Français
ITAR-TASS — [Abkürzung für Informations Telegrafen Agentur Russlands Telegrafnoje Agenstwo Sowjetskogo Sojusa »Nachrichtenagentur der Sowjetunion«], offizielle Nachrichtenagentur Russlands, Sitz: Moskau. Die Agentu … Universal-Lexikon
ITAR-TASS — Immeuble de la Tass à Moscou ITAR TASS (en russe : ИТАР ТАСС), de son nom complet, Agence télégraphique d information de Russie TASS, anciennement TASS (Телеграфное агентство Советского Союза при кабинете министров СССР, ТАСС), est une des… … Wikipédia en Français
ITAR-TASS — Informatsionnoje telegrafnoje agentstwo Rossii Rechtsform {{{Unternehmensform}}} Gründung 10. Juli 1925 Sitz Moskau … Deutsch Wikipedia
ITAR-TASS — formerly TASS in full Telegrafnoe Agentsvo Sovetskovo Soyuza (Russian: Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union ) As TASS, the official news agency of the Soviet Union from 1925 to 1991. It was renamed ITAR TASS in 1992. The main source of news for… … Universalium
ITAR-TASS — Sede central de ITAR TASS ITAR TASS (en ruso Информационное телеграфное агентство России, Informatsionnoye telegrafnoe agentstvo Rossii; Agencia de Información Telégrafica de Rusia) es la agencia de noticias heredera de los servicios y redes de… … Wikipedia Español
ITAR-TASS — ant. TASS p. ext. Telegrafnoe Agentsvo Sovetskovo Soyuza (ruso: Agencia telegráfica de la Unión Soviética). Con el nombre de TASS, fue la agencia noticiosa oficial de la Unión Soviética desde 1925 hasta 1991. Se la rebautizó ITAR TASS en 1992.… … Enciclopedia Universal
ITAR-TASS — The Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (Informatsionnoie telegrafnoie agentstvo Rossii) or, as it is more commonly known, ITAR TASS, is Russia’s primary news agency. Currently headquartered in Moscow, the agency originated in late tsarist… … Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation
Itar-Tass Russian News Agency v. Russian Kurier, Inc. — Itar Tass Russian News Agency v. Russian Kurier, Inc. 153 F.3d 82 (2d Cir. 1998), was a copyright case about the Russian language weekly Russian Kurier in New York City that had copied and published various materials from Russian newspapers and… … Wikipedia
ITAR-TASS — Russian news agency; formerly just called TASS … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Itar-Tass — /ˈaɪtə tæs/ (say uytuh tas) noun a Russian news gathering agency, covering also some other member states of the former Soviet Union; the successor of the Soviet agency, Tass. {Russian: I(nformation) T(elegraphic) A(gency of) R(ussia)… …