- indorato
- agg1) золочёный, позолоченный2) окрашенный в золотистый цвет3) кул. обвалянный в муке, сбитом яйце и поджаренный
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
indorato — in·do·rà·to p.pass., agg. → indorare, indorarsi {{line}} {{/line}} POLIREMATICHE: indorato e fritto: loc.agg. CO TS gastr … Dizionario italiano
indorato — pl.m. indorati sing.f. indorata pl.f. indorate … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
indorato — part. pass. di indorare; anche agg. 1. dorato 2. (fig., dal sole, dalla luce) illuminato, splendente … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Cornelia Rau — is a German citizen and Australian permanent resident who was unlawfully detained for a period of ten months in 2004 and 2005 as part of the Australian Government s mandatory detention program. Contents 1 Overview 2 Life in Australia 3 Mental… … Wikipedia
Triangulum Galaxy — Messier 33 Observation data (J2000 epoch) Pronunciation /traɪˈæŋɡjʉləm/ … Wikipedia
Jah Kingdom — Infobox Album Name = Jah Kingdom Type = studio Artist = Burning Spear Released = 1991 Recorded = 1991 Genre = Reggae Length = Label = Island Records Producer = Winston Rodney and Nelson Miller Reviews = Last album = Mek We Dweet (1990) This album … Wikipedia
List of the most distant astronomical objects — This article documents the farthest known astronomical objects, and the time periods in which they were so classified. Contents 1 List of most distant objects by type 2 Most distant astronomical object recordholders 3 List of most distant objects … Wikipedia
chiomindorato — chio·min·do·rà·to agg. LE che ha chiome bionde o dorate {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1638. ETIMO: comp. di chioma e indorato … Dizionario italiano
dorato — part. pass. di dorare; anche agg. 1. simile all oro, giallo, biondo, biondeggiante, flavo (lett.) 2. ricoperto d oro, indorato, aureo 3. (fig.) felice, fortunato, ricco, meraviglioso CONTR. cupo, nero, fosco, triste, buio … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
saure — Saure, et par apocope Saur, qui est prononcé Sore, est couleur de flamme de feu brune ainsi on dit un cheval estre de couleur ou de poil Saure, duquel le manteau est de couleur vive tirant à celle du feu, l Italien dit Sauro, et le rend en… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Gebiss — 1. Ein hart (oder golden) Gebiss macht das Pferdt nicht besser. – Lehmann, 130, 21; Rugenroth, I, 15; Körte, 1810; Simrock, 3111; Braun, I, 648. Dän.: Haart bidsel giør ikkc hesten bedre. (Bohn I, 372; Prov. dan., 69.) It.: Freno indorato non… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon