hot line
Смотреть что такое "hot line" в других словарях:
hot-line — [ ɔtlajn ] n. f. • 1996; angl. hot line (1955) « téléphone rouge », de hot « chaud » et line « ligne téléphonique » ♦ Anglic. Service d assistance téléphonique ou électronique mis en place par une entreprise, une organisation, chargé de résoudre… … Encyclopédie Universelle
hot line — n a usu. toll free telephone service available to the public for some specific purpose (as to receive advice or information about a particular subject or to talk confidentially about personal problems to a sympathetic listener) <a poison… … Medical dictionary
hot line — hot′ line n. 1) tgp gov a direct telecommunications link, as a telephone line or Teletype circuit, enabling immediate communication between heads of state in an international crisis 2) tgp Also, hot′line . a telephone number providing direct… … From formal English to slang
hot line — ☆ hot line n. 1. a means of direct communication for use in emergency or crisis; specif., a direct telephone line between government leaders 2. a telephone line to a social service agency, as a suicide prevention center: Also hotline … English World dictionary
hot line — hot li·ne loc.s.f.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. linea telefonica diretta tra una società e i suoi clienti a fini di assistenza e consulenza 2. servizio telefonico privato per conversazioni erotiche {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1994. ETIMO: ingl.… … Dizionario italiano
hot line — noun a direct telephone line between two officials • Hypernyms: ↑telephone line, ↑phone line, ↑telephone circuit, ↑subscriber line, ↑line * * * noun 1. : a direct line of communication between heads of government ; … Useful english dictionary
hot line — noun (C) 1 a direct telephone line between government leaders in different countries, which is only used in serious situations: the hot line between Washington and Moscow 2 a special telephone line for people to find out about or talk about… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
hot line — n. 1) to establish, set up a hot line 2) a hot line between … Combinatory dictionary
hot line — 1. a direct telecommunications link, as a telephone line or Teletype circuit, enabling immediate communication between heads of state in an international crisis: the hot line between Washington and Moscow. 2. a telephone service enabling people… … Universalium
hot line — {{#}}{{LM H20690}}{{〓}} {{[}}hot line{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.f.{{》}} Línea telefónica en la que se ofrecen servicios de atención directa al cliente, especialmente de carácter erótico. {{★}}{{\}}PRONUNCIACIÓN:{{/}} [hótlain], con h… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
hot line — Line of rapid communication (usually telephone) for emergency … A concise dictionary of English slang