- hip! hip! hurrah!
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Hip! hip (hip!) hurrah! — in England die hergebrachte Art, ein Hurra (Hoch) auszubringen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
hip, hip, hurrah — hip, hip, hooˈray! idiom (also less frequent hip, hip, hurˈrah/hurˈray!) used by a group of people to show their approval of sb. One person in the group says ‘ hip, hip ’ and the others then shout ‘ … Useful english dictionary
hurrah — interj. 1. hurray, hallelujah, huzzah, rah, yippee, yippee yi o, hot diggetty, hot dog, hot snaps; three cheers, hip hip hooray, hip hip hurrah; boola boola, brackety ax co ax co ax, oo sa sa; how to go, that s showin em, way to go, hail hail,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
hip — hip1 hipless, adj. hiplike, adj. /hip/, n., adj., v., hipped, hipping. n. 1. the projecting part of each side of the body formed by the side of the pelvis and the upper part of the femur and the flesh covering them; haunch. 2. See hip joint. 3.… … Universalium
hip — {{11}}hip (adj.) informed, 1904, apparently originally in black slang, probably a variant of HEP (Cf. hep) (1), with which it is identical in sense, though it is recorded four years earlier. {{12}}hip (interjection) exclamation used to introduce… … Etymology dictionary
hip — [ ip; hip ] interj. • av. 1882; interj. angl., onomat. ♦ Marque l enthousiasme, la joie, la victoire. Hip hip hip ! hourra ! ⇒HIP, interj., voir HOURRA. 1. hip [ ip; hip] interj. ÉTYM. 1889; interj. angl., onomatopée. ❖ ♦ Marque l enthousiasme,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hip Hip Hooray — (Hooray may also be spelled and pronounced Hurrah, Hurray etc.) is a notable expression in the English speaking world.It has been alleged that the word Hip stems from a medieval Latin acronym, Hierosylma Est Perdita , meaning Jerusalem is lost ,… … Wikipedia
hurrah — hourra [ ura; hura ] n. m. VAR. hurrah • 1814 ; houra 1722; angl. hussa, du russe hurrah (XVIIe) ♦ Cri d acclamation poussé par les marins. L amiral fut salué d un triple hourra. ♢ Cour. Cri d enthousiasme, d acclamation. « des hourras et des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
hip — I. /hɪp / (say hip) noun 1. the projecting part of each side of the body formed by the side of the pelvis and the upper part of the femur, with the flesh covering them; the haunch. 2. the hip joint. 3. Architecture the inclined projecting angle… …
hip — hɪp n. part of the body from the pelvis to the upper thigh, haunch; hip joint; projecting angle formed by the meeting of two slopes of a roof (Architecture); rose hip v. injure the hip, dislocate or sprain the hip; throw one s opponent over one… … English contemporary dictionary
hurrah — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. cheer, applause (see approbation). II (Roget s IV) interj. Syn. yeah, yay, three cheers, hurray, rah rah, huzza, yippee, whoopee; hear, hear; hip hip; see also cheer 3 , cry 1 , encouragement 2 , yell … English dictionary for students