Смотреть что такое "handball" в других словарях:
Handball — is the name of several different sports: * Team handball an Olympic sport where two teams try to throw the ball into their opponents goal * Gaelic handball, a sport similar to squash where players hit the ball with a hand instead of a racquet *… … Wikipedia
handball — ou hand ball [ ɑ̃dbal ] n. m. • 1924, 1912; mot all. « balle à la main » ♦ Sport d équipe analogue au football, mais qui se joue uniquement avec les mains. Match de handball. Abrév. fam. HAND [ ɑ̃d ]. handball ou hand ball n. m. Sport opposant… … Encyclopédie Universelle
*handball — ● handball nom masculin (allemand Handball, de Hand, main, et Ball, ballon) Sport d équipe se jouant à la main avec un ballon rond. ● handball (difficultés) nom masculin (allemand Handball, de Hand … Encyclopédie Universelle
Handball — Hand ball (h[a^]nd b[add]l ), n. 1. A small ball, usually made of rubber, thrown or struck with the hand in various games. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. A game played with such a ball, as by players striking it to and fro between them with the hands,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
handball — (n.) also hand ball, 1630s as a type of ball; 1885 as a game, from HAND (Cf. hand) (n.) + BALL (Cf. ball) (n.1) … Etymology dictionary
handball — /ˈɛndbol, ˈandbol, ingl. ˈhændˌbɔːl/ [vc. ingl., comp. di hand «mano» e ball «palla»] s. m. inv. (sport) pallamano … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
handball — sustantivo masculino 1. Origen: Argentina, Uruguay. Balonmano … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
handball — ► NOUN 1) a game similar to fives, in which the ball is hit with the hand in a walled court. 2) Soccer illegal touching of the ball with the hand or arm … English terms dictionary
handball — [hand′bôl΄] n. 1. a game in which a small ball is batted against a wall or walls with the hand, alternately by opposing teams of one or two players 2. the small rubber ball used in this game … English World dictionary
Handball-WM — Die Handball Weltmeisterschaft ist ein Handballturnier zwischen Nationalmannschaften zur Ermittlung der besten Handballnationalmannschaft der Welt. Veranstalter ist die International Handball Federation (IHF). Der Handball Weltpokal für Männer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Handball — « Hand » et « Handball » redirigent ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Hand (homonymie) et Handball (homonymie). Handball … Wikipédia en Français