Смотреть что такое "grill-room" в других словарях:
grill-room — → grill ● grill room, grill rooms ou grill nom masculin (anglais grill room, de to grill, griller, et room, salle) Restaurant spécialisé dans les grillades. ● grill room, grill rooms ou grill (homonymes) nom masculin (anglais grill room, de to… … Encyclopédie Universelle
grill-room — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} locale in cui si servono pasti semplici e di rapida preparazione, spec. alla griglia Sinonimi: grill. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1905. ETIMO: comp. di grill griglia e room 1stanza … Dizionario italiano
grill-room — / grilrʊm/, it. /gril rum/ s. ingl. [comp. di (to ) grill grigliare e room stanza ], usato in ital. al masch. 1. [ristorante, generalm. situato lungo le autostrade, per pasti rapidi] ▶◀ autogrill, grill. 2. [ristorante in cui si servono pietanze… … Enciclopedia Italiana
grill|room — «GRIHL ROOM, RUM», noun. a restaurant or dining room that specializes in serving broiled meat or fish; grill … Useful english dictionary
grill-room — /ɡrilˈrum, ingl. ˈɡrɪlˌruːm/ [vc. ingl., letteralmente «stanza (room) da griglia (grill)»] s. m. inv. rosticceria, friggitoria … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
grill room — noun A part of a restaurant where beefsteaks, etc are served grilled to order • • • Main Entry: ↑grill * * * n. see grill I … Useful english dictionary
Grill-room — (engl., spr. ruhm), Gastlokal, worin auf dem Rost (grill) gebratenes Fleisch verabreicht wird … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
grill-room — n. Broiling kitchen, room where grilled meats are served … New dictionary of synonyms
grill-room — (voz inglesa) ► masculino Sala del restaurante donde se asan las piezas delante de los consumidores … Enciclopedia Universal
grill room — n. restaurant where meat is grilled and served; restaurant where grilled food is served … English contemporary dictionary
grill — [ gril ] n. m. • 1896, répandu v. 1950; grill room 1893; abrév. de l angl. grill room ♦ Restaurant où on mange essentiellement des grillades. Des grills. ⊗ HOM. Gril. ● grill room, grill rooms ou grill nom masculin (anglais grill room, de to… … Encyclopédie Universelle