- greppo
m тоск.обрыв; скат
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Greppo — Nom très rare porté dans le nord de l Italie, beaucoup plus fréquent sous la forme plurielle Greppi. A priori il devrait correspondre à l italien greppo (= pente abrupte, sommet escarpé) … Noms de famille
Greppo — Greppo, geb. 1820 zu Pouilly bei Villefranche im französischen Departement Rhône, war Seidenarbeiter in Lyon, wo er sich zum Werkführer einer Manufactur empor arbeitete. Schon vor der Februarrevolution war er Mitglied mehrer geheimer… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
greppo — / grep:o/ s.m. (ant. greppa s.f.) [prob. voce preromana], region., lett. 1. [fianco brullo e ripido di un altura] ▶◀ dirupo, scapicollo, scoscendimento. ‖ china, declivio, pendio. 2. [margine rialzato d una strada di campagna o d un fosso]… … Enciclopedia Italiana
greppo — grép·po s.m. 1. LE pendio dirupato: il traditor cercando per quei greppi (Ariosto) 2. OB rialzo ai lati di una strada di campagna; argine di un fossato, di un corso d acqua {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1313. ETIMO: prob. voce preind … Dizionario italiano
greppo — {{hw}}{{greppo}}{{/hw}}s. m. (lett.) Fianco dirupato e ripido di un altura … Enciclopedia di italiano
greppo — pl.m. greppi … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
greppo — s. m. (lett.) declivio scosceso, scoscendimento, ciglio, dirupo, ciglione, ripa (lett.), sponda … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Liste des députés de la Seine — Sommaire 1 Liste des députés du département de la Seine sous la Cinquième République (1958 1967) 1.1 Deuxième législature (1962 1967) 1.2 Première législa … Wikipédia en Français
Kate Josephine Bateman — (Mrs. Crowe) (October 7, 1842 – April 8, 1917) was an American actress. She was born at Baltimore, Md., the daughter of Hezekiah Linthicum Bateman, an actor and theatrical manager. Her mother was also an actress. With her sister, Ellen (later Mrs … Wikipedia
Joseph-Alexander Martigny — (b. at Sauverny, Ain, in 1808; d. at Belley, 19 August 1880) was a French archaeologist and Canon of Belley. He studied at the petit séminaire of Belley and became a professor there in 1832. He was curate later at Cressy and afterwards a parish… … Wikipedia
Ana Grepo — is a business woman and ex supermodel from Split, Croatia. In 1995 she was crowned Miss Dalmatia on the regional beauty pageant in Split. She currently resides in Zagreb where she is the operating manager of her own modeling agency. She is one of … Wikipedia