- grandiflora
agg бот.крупноцветковый
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
grandiflora — [gran΄di flôr′ə] adj. [ModL < L grandis, GRAND + flos (gen. floris), FLOWER] bearing large flowers n. any of a group of rose varieties with clusters of large to medium sized flowers on long stems: created by crossing floribunda and hybrid tea… … English World dictionary
grandiflora — , grandiflorum, grandiflorus L. grandis, large; flos, flower. 1) Spikelets with more florets than those of related species. Andropogon grandiflorus, Arundinella grandiflora, Bromus grandiflorus, Danthonia grandiflora, Diheteropogon… … Etymological dictionary of grasses
grandiflora rose — noun see grandiflora … Useful english dictionary
grandiflora — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Latin grandis great + flor , flos flower more at blow Date: 1944 a bush rose derived from crosses of floribunda and hybrid tea roses and characterized by production of blooms both singly and in clusters on the same … New Collegiate Dictionary
grandiflora — /gran deuh flawr euh, flohr euh/, n. any of several plant varieties or hybrids characterized by large showy flowers, as certain kinds of petunias, baby s breath, or roses. [1900 05; < NL, a specific epithet frequent in the names of such flowers;… … Universalium
grandiflora — gran·di·flò·ra agg.f. TS bot.com. di pianta, a fiori grandi; anche s.f. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1813. ETIMO: comp. di grande e flora … Dizionario italiano
grandiflora — n. bush rose that bears large showy flowers adj. bearing large flowers … English contemporary dictionary
grandiflora — [ˌgrandɪ flɔ:rə] adjective denoting cultivated plant varieties with large flowers. Origin early 20th cent.: mod. L., from L. grandis great + flos, flor flower … English new terms dictionary
grandiflora — gran·di·flo·ra … English syllables
grandiflora — gran•di•flo•ra [[t]ˌgræn dəˈflɔr ə, ˈfloʊr ə[/t]] n. pl. ras pln any of several plant varieties or hybrids characterized by large showy flowers, as certain long stemmed roses • Etymology: 1900–05; < NL, a specific epithet frequent in the names … From formal English to slang
grandiflora — adj. bearing large flowers. Etymology: mod.L (often used in specific names of large flowered plants) f. L grandis great + FLORA … Useful english dictionary