- goal
англ.см. gol
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
goal — goal … Dictionnaire des rimes
goal — [ gol ] n. m. • 1882; mot angl. ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Vieilli But (football, rugby, polo, etc.). 2 ♦ (1894; de l angl. goal keeper) Gardien de but. ⇒ gardien. Des bons goals. ⊗ HOM. Gaule … Encyclopédie Universelle
Goal — es la palabra inglesa para designar gol, y también arco, meta o portería. Además puede referirse a: Goal!, conocida también como Goal!: The Dream Begins o ¡Goool! una película dirigida por Danny Cannon. Goal! 2: Living the Dream..., segunda parte … Wikipedia Español
goal — [ goul ] noun count *** 1. ) something that you hope to achieve: Our goal is to provide a good standard of medical care. goal of: the company s goal of employing as many women as men within five years set/establish a goal: You should set goals… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Goal! 2 — Goal 2 : La Consécration Goal 2 : La Consécration Titre original Goal II : Living the Dream Réalisation Jaume Collet Serra Scénario Mike Jefferies Adrian Butchart Terry Loan Musique Stephen Warbeck Montage Niven Howie Production… … Wikipédia en Français
goal — W1S2 [gəul US goul] n [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: gol limit, boundary (1300 1400)] 1.) something that you hope to achieve in the future = ↑aim ▪ His ultimate goal was to set up his own business. achieve/reach a goal ▪ They achieved their goal of… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Goal — bezeichnet: im Schweizerischen und in Österreich ein Tor (Fußball) einen Film aus der Filmindustrie Bollywood Goal eine Fußballfilm Trilogie, siehe: Goal – Lebe deinen Traum Goal II – Der Traum ist real! Goal III – Das Finale Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Goal! — Goal ! Pour l’article homonyme, voir Goal. Goal ![1] est un film anglo américain de Danny Cannon sorti en 2005. Il s agit du premier volet d une trilogie racontant l ascension d un jeune joueur. Fiche technique Titre… … Wikipédia en Français
Goal — Goal, n. [F. gaule pole, Prov. F. waule, of German origin; cf. Fries. walu staff, stick, rod, Goth. walus, Icel. v[ o]lr a round stick; prob. akin to E. wale.] [1913 Webster] 1. The mark set to bound a race, and to or around which the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Goal — 〈[ goʊl] n. 15; Sp.〉 Tor, Treffer [engl., „Ziel, Grenzmal“] * * * Goal [go:l ], das; s, s [engl. goal = Tor, eigtl. = Ziel, Endpunkt, H. u.] (österr., schweiz., sonst veraltet): Tor, Treffer (z. B. beim Fußballspiel). * * * Goal [goːl; englisch … Universal-Lexikon
goal — goal, goals The end results towards which an individual or collective action is directed. The term is commonplace in sociology, although its logical and explanatory status varies greatly, according to context and authorship. Numerous typologies… … Dictionary of sociology