Смотреть что такое "futures" в других словарях:
Futures — Студийный альбом … Википедия
Futures — may mean:Finance*Futures contract, a tradable financial contract *Futures exchange, a financial market where futures contracts are traded * Futures (magazine), an American finance magazineocial sciences*Futures studies, multidisciplinary studies… … Wikipedia
Futures — [ fjuːtʃəz; englisch, Plural von future »Zukunft«] Plural, Sammelbezeichnung für standardisierte Terminkontrakte, die an Börsen gehandelt werden (z. B. in Chicago, New York, London). Futures können sich auf Metalle, v. a. Edelmetalle,… … Universal-Lexikon
Futures — Álbum de Jimmy Eat World Publicación 19 de octubre de 2004 Grabación Cello Studios, Los Ángeles, California y Harvey Moltz Studio, Tucsón, Arizona … Wikipedia Español
futures — index portfolio Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 futures … Law dictionary
futures — “goods sold on agreement for future delivery,” 1880; see FUTURE (Cf. future) … Etymology dictionary
futures — Commercial contracts calling for the purchase or sale of specified quantities of a good at specified future dates. The good in question may be grain, livestock, precious metals, or financial instruments such as treasury bills. Up until the time… … Universalium
Futures — A term used to designate all contracts covering the sale of financial instruments or physical commodities for future delivery on a commodity exchange. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * futures fu‧tures [ˈfjuːtʆəz ǁ ərz] noun [plural]… … Financial and business terms
futures — Contracts for the sale/purchase of a specified quantity of a financial instrument, currency, or commodity at an agreed upon price on a given future date. First developed for agricultural commodities, actively traded futures are available for… … Financial and business terms
Futures — Ein Future (auch (Börsen ) Terminkontrakt) ist ein verbindlicher Börsenvertrag (Kontrakt) zwischen zwei Parteien (im Gegensatz zu halbseitig verpflichtenden Verträgen bei Optionen), eine Art von börsengehandelten Termingeschäften. Lieferung (für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Futures — A financial contract obligating the buyer to purchase an asset (or the seller to sell an asset), such as a physical commodity or a financial instrument, at a predetermined future date and price. Futures contracts detail the quality and quantity… … Investment dictionary