- amato
agg, mлюбимый, возлюбленныйSyn:diletto, preferito, benamato, amico; venerato, idolatratoAnt:odiato, esecrato, disprezzato, detestato, disamato, sgradito
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Amato — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Angelo Amato (* 1938), italienischer Bischof und Sekretär der Glaubenskongregation Giacomo Amato (1643–1732), Architekt des Spätbarock in Rom und auf Sizilien Giovanni Angelo Amato (1530 1590),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Amato — Amato, Giuliano, italienischer Politiker, * Turin 13. 5. 1938; Professor für Verfassungsrecht an der Universität Rom, Mitglied des PSI, seit 1983 Abgeordneter, Staatssekretär, 1987/88 stellvertretender Ministerpräsident, 1987 89 Schatzminister … Universal-Lexikon
Amāto — Amāto, Giovanni Antonio, 2 neapolitanische Maler: 1) A. der Ältere, geb. 1475, malte in der Weise P. Peruginos u. st. 1555; 2) A. der Jüngere, Neffe u. Schüler des Vorigen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Amato — m Italian: from the Latin name Amātus ‘beloved’. There are two saints of this name who have influenced its popularity: the first abbot of Remiremont (c.597–c.630) and the tenth bishop of Sion (d. c.690). Cognate: Spanish: Amado … First names dictionary
amato — elem. nisip . (< fr. amatho , cf. gr. amathos) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Amato — Infobox CityIT official name = Comune di Amato img coa = Amato crest.png img coa small = image caption = region = RegioneIT|sigla=CAL province = ProvinciaIT (short form)|sigla=CZ (CZ) mayor = mayor party = elevation footnotes = elevation m = 480… … Wikipedia
Amato's — Infobox Company company name = Amato s Sandwich Shops, Inc. | company | company type = Private | company slogan = It s Real Italian | foundation = 1902 | location = flagicon|United States Portland, Maine, United States | key people = Dominic… … Wikipedia
Amato — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Amato (homonymie). Amato Administration Nom italien Amato Pays … Wikipédia en Français
amato — a·mà·to p.pass., agg., s.m. 1. p.pass. → amare, amarsi 2. agg. CO che è oggetto d amore; caro, prediletto: il mio amato nonno; la casa, la città amata; l amato bene, spec. scherz., la persona amata Sinonimi: adorato, beneamato, 2diletto, dolce,… … Dizionario italiano
Amato — 1 Original name in latin Amato Name in other language State code IT Continent/City Europe/Rome longitude 38.38333 latitude 16.13333 altitude 727 Population 895 Date 2011 09 11 2 Original name in latin Amato Name in other language State code IT… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Amato (disambiguation) — Amato is a comune and town in the province of Catanzaro in the Calabria region of Italy.Amato may also refer to:* Amato Lusitano (1511 1568), Portuguese Jewish physician * Amato Opera, an American opera companyPeople with the surname Amato:*… … Wikipedia