- free climbing
m спортфри-климбинг
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Free climbing — is a type of rock climbing, in which the climber uses no artificial aids to make upwards progress. In this way, the climber will use only hands, feet and other parts of the body. Ropes and protective equipment are used only for protection against … Wikipedia
free climbing — noun Rock climbing using ropes but no spikes, ladders or other fixed aids • • • Main Entry: ↑free * * * ˈfree climbing 7 [free climbing] noun uncountable the sport of climb … Useful english dictionary
free climbing — /friˈklaimbin(g), ingl. ˈfriːˌklaɪmɪŋ/ [loc. ingl., propr. «arrampicata, scalata (climbing) libera (free)»] loc. sost. m. inv. arrampicata libera … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Free Climbing — Free|clim|bing, das; s, Free Clim|bing, das; s [ fri:kla̮imɪŋ ; engl. free climbing]: Bergsteigen ohne Hilfsmittel wie Seil, Haken o. Ä … Universal-Lexikon
free climbing — free clim·bing loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS sport tecnica alpinistica in cui il rocciatore si arrampica senza l aiuto di attrezzi, sfruttando soltanto gli appigli naturali della roccia Sinonimi: arrampicata libera. {{line}} {{/line}}… … Dizionario italiano
free climbing — {{hw}}{{free climbing}}{{/hw}}locuz. sost. m. inv. Tipo di arrampicata in cui lo scalatore sale aggrappandosi agli appigli della parete con le mani, senza l aiuto di piccozza, chiodi e martello … Enciclopedia di italiano
free climbing — noun rock climbing without the use of devices such as pegs placed in the rock, but occasionally using ropes and belays. Compare with aid climbing. Derivatives free climb noun & verb … English new terms dictionary
free climbing — /fri ˈklaɪmɪŋ/ (say free kluyming) noun (in mountaineering, rock climbing, etc.) the action or practice of climbing without artificial aids, such as ropes, harnesses, etc., to assist with the climb and provide protection …
Free-Climbing — Freiklettern Unter Freiklettern versteht man das Klettern an Felsen oder Kunstwänden, bei dem nur Hände und Füße zur Fortbewegung verwendet werden. Künstliche Hilfsmittel sind zur Fortbewegung nicht erlaubt. Zum Freiklettern zählen das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Free climbing — Freiklettern Unter Freiklettern versteht man das Klettern an Felsen oder Kunstwänden, bei dem nur Hände und Füße zur Fortbewegung verwendet werden. Künstliche Hilfsmittel sind zur Fortbewegung nicht erlaubt. Zum Freiklettern zählen das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
free climbing — noun rock climbing without the aid of ropes and other equipment … Wiktionary