- fontina
fфонтина (сорт мягкого пьемонтского сыра)
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Fontina — is a cow s milk Italian cheese. Fontina cheese has been made in the Aosta Valley, in the Alps since the 12th century. It has a milk fat content of around 45%. As with many original varieties, the name Fontina has been imposed upon by such… … Wikipedia
Fontina — g.U./PDO/DOP Herkunft Italien (Aosta) Milch Kuh/Vollmilch Behandlung Rohmilch Käsegruppe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fontina — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Fontina País de origen Italia Región, ciudad Valle de Aosta Leche de Vaca Pasteurizado n/c … Wikipedia Español
fontina — [fän tē′nə] n. [It] [also F ] a pale, semisoft to hard Italian cheese, made, esp. originally, of ewe s milk … English World dictionary
Fontina — Fontine Pays d’origine Italie Région, ville Vallée d Aoste Lait de Lait de vache Pâte … Wikipédia en Français
fontina — /fon tee neuh/, n. a type of Italian cheese, semisoft to firm, made of cow s or sheep s milk. [1935 40; < It < Upper It dial. (Val d Aosta), of uncert. orig.] * * * ▪ cheese semihard cow s milk cheese that originated in the Valle d Aosta… … Universalium
Fontina (Käse) — Fontina g.U./PDO/DOP Herkunft Italien (Aosta) Milch Kuh/Vollmilch Behandlung Rohmilch Käsegruppe … Deutsch Wikipedia
fontina — noun Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Italian Date: 1938 a cheese that is semisoft to hard in texture and mild to medium sharp in flavor … New Collegiate Dictionary
fontina — noun a pale yellow cheese from Valle dAosta in Italy … Wiktionary
fontina — ital. Queso blando de origen italiano … Diccionario Lunfardo
fontina — fon·tì·na s.f. CO formaggio grasso, morbido, tipico della Val d Aosta, prodotto con latte intero di vacca {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1854. ETIMO: voce piem., di orig. incerta … Dizionario italiano