Смотреть что такое "fondita" в других словарях:
fondita — pl.f. fondite … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Чешская Википедия — Česká Wikipedie … Википедия
Proctor District, Tacoma, Washington — The Proctor District is a business district in the north end of Tacoma, Washington. Primarily a center for locals to shop, the District has cultivated a small town urban village character. BusinessesThe Proctor District is home to a range of… … Wikipedia
Phi Sigma Alpha — Infobox Fraternity letters = ΦΣΑ name = Phi Sigma Alpha motto = Omne Rarum Carum crest = founded = October 22, 1928 charterdate= chartercity= type = Social scope = International PRI USA MEX address = Calle Méjico, Esquina Chile symbol = city =… … Wikipedia
Mariana Beach Hotel — (Масатлан,Мексика) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: Camarón Sábalo 698 … Каталог отелей