flex time
Смотреть что такое "flex time" в других словарях:
flex|time — «FLEHKS TYM», noun. a method of staggering working hours to enable each employee to work full time but at his own convenience: »The company has incorporated “flextime,” which allows employees to set their own work schedule whenever possible… … Useful english dictionary
flex time — flexitime flex i*time , flextime flex time flex time flex time , n. [short for flexible time.] A system of scheduling working hours in places of employment, which allows employees to arrive at and leave work at times of their own choice,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flex time — n. flextime, job that features flexible work hours, flexible work hours, work hours which may be changed according to need … English contemporary dictionary
flex·time — … Useful english dictionary
flex — an·te·flex·ion; a·re·flex·ia; de·flex·ion; dor·si·flex; dor·si·flex·or; flex·i·bil·i·ty; flex·i·bi·lize; flex·i·ble·ness; flex·i·bly; flex·ile; flex·ive; flex; flex·o·graph·ic; flex·og·ra·phy; flex·om·e·ter; flex·or; flex·u·os·i·ty; flex·u·ous;… … English syllables
time — bairn·time; eq·ui·time; in·time; mi·cro·time; mis·time; noon·time; oft·time; pas·time; rag·time; sep·time; time; time·ful; time·li·ness; time·ous; xen·o·time; flex·time; rise·time; afore·time; cen·time; mar·i·time; mean·time; some·time;… … English syllables
Flex nibs — Flex or flexible nibs are fountain pen nibs which produce a line which varies in width with the pressure used. A very flexible nib can produce a width variation of about six times. Extremely flexible nibs are sometimes known among collectors as… … Wikipedia
Flex (club) — Flex is a nightclub in Vienna. It is located between underground station Schottenring and Augartenbrücke. Flex has already been venue of many international and Austrian music acts and DJs, such as Pete Doherty, Juliette and the Licks or Arcade… … Wikipedia
Flex & Hated — (C. Betz N. Betz) Background information Birth name Neil Betz and Craig Betz Genres Pop … Wikipedia
flex — {vb Flex, crook, bow, buckle mean to bend, but because of special implications and applications they are not freely interchangeable.}}} Flex is used chiefly of the bending of a bodily joint especially between bones of a limb by which the angle… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
FLEX (protocol) — FLEX is a communications protocol developed by Motorola and used in many pagers. FLEX provides one way communication only (from the provider to the pager device), but a related protocol called ReFLEX provides two way messaging.Transmission of… … Wikipedia