fiscal drag
Смотреть что такое "fiscal drag" в других словарях:
Fiscal drag — refers to the process where tax thresholds are either not adjusted for inflation, or fail to keep pace with earnings growth, causing in either case an automatic rise in tax revenues.Example of nominal fiscal dragSuppose a person earns $20,000 per … Wikipedia
Fiscal Drag — is an economics term referring to a situation where a government s net fiscal position (equal to its spending less any taxation) does not meet the net savings goals of the private economy. This can result in deflationary pressure attributed to… … Investment dictionary
fiscal drag — ˌfiscal ˈdrag noun [uncountable] ECONOMICS when rising incomes mean that the government receives increasing amounts of tax, as people move up into higher tax bracket S (= levels of income with a particular tax rate). Taxes have to be adjusted to… … Financial and business terms
fiscal drag — /fiskalˈdrɛɡ, ingl. ˈfɪsk(J)ldr(g/ [loc. ingl., comp. di fiscal «fiscale» e drag «trascinamento»] loc. sost. m. inv. prelievo fiscale, drenaggio fiscale … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
fiscal drag — noun The means by which the inland revenue automatically benefits from any increase in earned income without any actual increase in taxation rates • • • Main Entry: ↑fiscal … Useful english dictionary
Fiscal Drag — [ fɪskəl dræg, englisch], Built in Flexibility … Universal-Lexikon
fiscal drag — / fiskl dræg/, it. /fiskal drɛg/ locuz. ingl. (propr. draga fiscale ), usata in ital. come s.m. (econ., giorn.) [quota di prelievo fiscale operata in misura sempre maggiore sui redditi, come conseguenza del loro aumento causato dall inflazione]… … Enciclopedia Italiana
fiscal drag — (pron. fiskl drèg ) Inglese, è egregiamente tradotto con drenaggio fiscale . Ma gli stessi ministri italiani parlano di modificare la curva delle aliquote tributarie per correggere gli effetti del fiscal drag . È il caso che si ha in tempi di… … Dizionario dei Modi di Dire per ogni occasione
fiscal drag — The time between when a government spending policy is approved and when it affects the economy. ► “But like Mr. Bush before him, Mr. Clinton has locked in the fiscal drag of a tax increase. (Wall Street Journal, April 5, 1994, p. A18) … American business jargon
fiscal drag — fi·scal drag loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS econ. → drenaggio fiscale {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1980. ETIMO: comp. di fiscal fiscale e drag drenaggio … Dizionario italiano
Fiscal Drag — fiskalische Bremse; Effekt progressiver Besteuerung, der das Anwachsen des Nationaleinkommens im Aufschwung bremst, weil die Steuerbelastung aufgrund ihrer Aufkommenselastizität von größer als Eins überproportional steigt (⇡ Built in… … Lexikon der Economics