Смотреть что такое "Almaty" в других словарях:
Almaty — Алматы Wappen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Almaty — Алматы Héraldique … Wikipédia en Français
Almatý — o Alma Ata Алматы Bandera … Wikipedia Español
Almaty — (Алматы; antiguamente conocida como Alma Atá, o Verny, Vyernyi (Верный) en la Rusia Imperial) es la ciudad más grande de Kazajstán, con una problación total sobre los 1.300.000 habitantes (9% del total nacional). El nombre significa Padre de las… … Enciclopedia Universal
Almaty — Almaty, Stadt, s. Wjernoje … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Almaty — also Alma Ata a city in southeast Kazakhstan, the country s capital and largest city, formerly called Vernoye, Verny, or Vernyi … Dictionary of contemporary English
Almaty — [äl′mə tē΄, al′mə tē΄] city in SE Kazakhstan: former capital: pop. 1,200,000 … English World dictionary
Almaty — This article is about the city. For the province, see Almaty Province. Almaty Alma Ata Алматы Алма Ата … Wikipedia
Almaty — /al meuh tee/, n. a city in SE Kazakhstan: the former capital. 1,108,000. Formerly, Alma Ata. * * * formerly Alma Ata City (pop., 1999: 1,129,400), southeastern Kazakhstan. Formerly the capital of Kazakhstan, it lost its capital status in 1995 to … Universalium
Almaty — Original name in latin Almaty Name in other language ALA, Alma Ata, Alma Ata, Almaato, Almata, Almati, Almato, Almaty, Almat Almat Almat Almat Almata, Amaty, Gorad Alma Ata, Vernyy, a la mu tu, alamati, almaaty, almati, almaty, arumatoi, xal mati … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Almaty — Alma Ata (Dutch, Slowak, Turkish), Almata (Lithuanian), Almati (Hungarian), Almato (Esperanto, Almaty (Kazakh, English, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian Алматы, Swedish, Ukrainian Алмати) … Names of cities in different languages