Смотреть что такое "zig-zag" в других словарях:
Zig zag — Zig zag, Zig Zag, Zigzag, or Zig zag often refers to:* Zigzag, a jagged, regular patternOther usesCompanies* Zig Zag (company), a tobacco products companyComputer science* ZigZag (software), a data model designed and patented by Ted Nelson * Zig… … Wikipedia
Zig-zag — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Zig zag (homonymie). Le Zig zag ou Slalom est une variante du jass des plus intéressantes car assez complexe et moins soumise aux aléas de la chance. À tour de rôle, chaque équipe a le choix entre sept… … Wikipédia en Français
Zig-Zag — Zig Zag, l étalon zébré Zig Zag, l étalon zébré Réalisation Frederik Du Chau Acteurs principaux Bruce Greenwood Hayden Panettiere Caspar Poyck Gary Bullock Wendie Malick M. Emmet Walsh Scénario David Schmidt Steven P. Wegner Kirk De Micco… … Wikipédia en Français
Zig-Zag — (engl. Zick Zack) bezeichnet eine klassische, von Bühnenmagiern vorgeführte Illusion. Eine Person betritt einen Kasten, der aus drei Teilen besteht. Die Türen werden geschlossen. Zwischen die drei Teile werden Klingen geschoben. Dann wird der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
zig|zag — «ZIHG ZAG», adjective, adverb, verb, zagged, zag|ging, noun. –adj. having a series of short, sharp turns from one side to another; characterized by such turns: »zigzag lightning, to go in a zigzag direction. SYNONYM(S): jagged, serrated, notched … Useful english dictionary
zig-zag — Véase deformidad en cuello de cisne. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
zig zag — zig zàg loc.s.m.inv. var. → zigzag … Dizionario italiano
zig-zag — /dzig dzag/ (o zigzag) s.m. [dal fr. zigzag, ted. Zickzack, da Zacke punta ]. [linea o movimento che procede in direzioni opposte o divergenti spezzandosi e formando una serie di angoli: in quel punto la strada fa una serie di z. ] ▶◀ giravolta,… … Enciclopedia Italiana
zig-zag — also zigzag, 1712, from Fr. zigzag (1670s), perhaps from Ger. Zickzack (though this only is attested from 1703), possibly a reduplication of Zacke tooth, prong. Earliest use in German is in reference to military siege approaches. Originally in… … Etymology dictionary
Zig-Zag (revista) — Zig Zag Mariano Casanova en la portada de Zig Zag (1908) País … Wikipedia Español
Zig-Zag (company) — Zig Zag is a brand of rolling papers (commonly used for rolling tobacco) that originated in France (#1 seller in USA as per industry publications). It is marketed in the USA by National Tobacco and in Europe by Republic Technologies. The Zig Zag… … Wikipedia