- water-polo
- water-pòlo m ingl v. pallanuoto
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Water polo — is a team water sport. A team consists of six field players and one goalkeeper. The winner of the game is the team that scores more goals. Gameplay involves swimming, players passing the ball while being defended by opponents, and scoring by… … Wikipedia
Water polo — Pour les articles homonymes, voir polo (homonymie). Water polo Fédération internationale … Wikipédia en Français
Water-polo — Fédération internationale Fédération internationale de natation (FINA) Sport olympique depuis 1900 Champion(ne)(s) du monde en titre … Wikipédia en Français
water-polo — [ watɛrpɔlo ] n. m. • 1891; mot angl. , de water « eau » et polo ♦ Sport de ballon analogue au handball, qui se joue dans l eau, entre deux équipes de sept nageurs. ● water polo, water polos nom masculin (mot anglais, de water, eau, et … Encyclopédie Universelle
water polo — |uótar pólo| s. m. O mesmo que polo aquático. ‣ Etimologia: locução inglesa … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
water polo — /vaterˈpɔlo, woterˈpɔlo, ingl. ˈwɔːtəˌpəuləu/ [vc. ingl., letteralmente «polo sull acqua (water)»] loc. sost. m. inv. pallanuoto … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
water polo — water .polo n [U] a ball game played in water between two teams … Dictionary of contemporary English
water polo — water ,polo noun uncount a game played in water by two teams of seven players who get points by throwing a ball into the opponent s goal … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
water polo — n. a water game played with a round, partly inflated ball by two teams of seven swimmers, the object of the game being to pass or take the ball over the opponent s goal line … English World dictionary
water polo — ► NOUN ▪ a seven a side game played by swimmers in a pool, with a ball like a football that is thrown into the opponents net … English terms dictionary
water polo — an aquatic game played by two teams of seven swimmers each, the object being to score goals by pushing, carrying, or passing an inflated ball and tossing it into the opponent s goal, defended by a goalkeeper. [1885 90] * * * Sport played in a… … Universalium