Смотреть что такое "voucher" в других словарях:
voucher — vouch‧er [ˈvaʊtʆə ǁ ər] noun [countable] 1. a ticket that can be used instead of money for a particular purpose: voucher for • The tour price includes a voucher for a meal in a pub of your choice. • She was given a travel voucher from Belfast to… … Financial and business terms
voucher — vouch·er / vau̇ chər/ n [Anglo French, summoning of a person to guarantee title, from voucher to summon] 1: a documentary record of a business transaction 2: a written affidavit or authorization 3: a form or check indicating a credit against… … Law dictionary
voucher — s.n. Document de călătorie eliberat unui turist de o agenţie de turism, reprezentând contravaloarea serviciilor prestate. [pr.: váu cer] (din engl. voucher < engl. vouch = a asigura, a garanta; a dovedi < engl. medie vouchen = a chema în… … Dicționar Român
voucher — ● voucher nom masculin (anglais voucher, reçu) Bon émis par une agence de voyages, et donnant droit à certains services. voucher [vuʃœʀ; vuʃɛʀ] n. m. ÉTYM. V. 1970; mot angl. « reçu, récépissé », de to vouch, du lat. vocare « appeler ». ❖ ♦ … Encyclopédie Universelle
Voucher — Vouch er, n. 1. One who vouches, or gives witness or full attestation, to anything. [1913 Webster] Will his vouchers vouch him no more? Shak. [1913 Webster] The great writers of that age stand up together as vouchers for one another s reputation … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
voucher — [vou′chər] n. [substantive use of Anglo Fr voucher, to VOUCH] 1. a person who vouches, as for the truth of a statement 2. a paper serving as evidence or proof; specif., a receipt or statement attesting to the expenditure or receipt of money, the… … English World dictionary
Voucher — (englisch, [ˈvaʊtʃə]) steht für: Eintrittskarte Gewährsmann ein geldwerter Gutschein, der zum Konsum der darauf festgehaltenen Leistungen berechtigt Rechnungsbeleg Zahlungsbeleg Siehe auch: Vaucher … Deutsch Wikipedia
voucher — / vaʊtʃə/, it. / vautʃer/ s. ingl. [der. di (to ) vouch attestare, garantire , lat. vocare chiamare ], usato in ital. al masch. (comm.) [documento rilasciato da un agenzia di viaggio come attestazione del diritto a usufruire di determinati… … Enciclopedia Italiana
voucher — originally summoning of a person into court to warrant the title to a property; see VOUCH (Cf. vouch). Meaning receipt from a business transaction is first attested 1690s; sense of document which can be exchanged for goods or services is attested … Etymology dictionary
voucher — |váuchèr| s. m. 1. Documento que comprova o pagamento e o direito a um serviço ou a um produto. 2. Vale de desconto. • Plural: vouchers. ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
voucher — /ˈvautʃer, ingl. ˈvautʃə(r)/ [vc. ingl., «tagliando, buono», da to vouch «garantire, attestare»] s. m. inv. buono, tagliando, coupon (fr.) … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione