Смотреть что такое "vescia" в других словарях:
vescia — / veʃa/ s.f. [der. del lat. tardo vissire far peti ] (pl. sce ). [peto che non fa rumore] ▶◀ [➨ vento (3)] … Enciclopedia Italiana
vescia — vé·scia s.f. 1. TS nome comune dei funghi del genere Lycoperdon che, giunti a maturazione, si aprono emettendo le spore 2. RE tosc., loffa 3. RE tosc., chiacchiera, pettegolezzo {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1536 nell accez. 2. ETIMO: dal lat … Dizionario italiano
vescia — {{hw}}{{vescia}}{{/hw}}s. f. (pl. sce ) Fungo di forma globosa e privo di gambo, bianco e commestibile da giovane, ripieno di spore che, a maturità, formano un ammasso polverulento … Enciclopedia di italiano
vescia — pl.f. vesce … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Vescia — ♦ Pointed oval. (Wood, Margaret. The English Medieval House, 415) … Medieval glossary
ВЕСЦИЯ — • Vescĭa, город авсонцев (аврунков) в Лациуме. К его владениям принадлежали западный склон Массика до реки Лириса (Vescinus ager). Впоследствии город исчез. Liv. 8, 11. 9, 25. 10, 21. 31 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Foligno — Infobox CityIT img coa = Foligno Stemma.png official name = Comune di Foligno name=Foligno|mapx=42.9|mapy=12.69 region = Umbria province = Perugia (PG) elevation m = 234 area total km2 = 263 population as of = january 1, 2005 population total =… … Wikipedia
Pier Antonio Mezzastris — (or Mezastris; c. 1430 ndash; c. 1506) was an Italian painter, belonging to the Umbrian school of painting. Mezzastris was born at Foligno in Umbria. He painted religious subjects, working mostly in fresco, and was a local painter, in that all of … Wikipedia
Mons Massicus — Mons Massicus, a mountain ridge of ancient Italy, in the territory of the Aurunci, and on the border of Campania and Latium adjectum attributed by most authors to the latter. It projects south west from the volcanic system of Rocca Monfina (see… … Wikipedia
Volscian language — Infobox Language name=Volscian region=Italy extinct=? familycolor=Indo European fam2=Italic fam3=Osco Umbrian fam4=Umbrian script=Old Italic alphabet iso2=ine iso3=xvoVolscian was a Sabellic Italic language, which was spoken by the Volsci and… … Wikipedia
Minturno — Comune Comune di Minturno View of … Wikipedia