Смотреть что такое "veneto" в других словарях:
Veneto — [vā′nə tō΄, ven′ətō] region of N Italy, on the Adriatic: 7,080 sq mi (18,337 sq km); pop. 4,381,000; chief city, Venice * * * Ve·ne·to (vĕnʹĕ tō ) A region of northeast Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea, roughly coextensive with the historical… … Universalium
Veneto — (Рим,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via Raffaele Cadorna 13, Виа Венето, 00187 Рим, Италия … Каталог отелей
Veneto 9s — is a rugby league nines tournament held annually in Monselice, Italy. It is the main event of Italian rugby league and has been running since 2006. The tournament, which is attended by teams all over Europe is held at the Stadio Plebiscito, a… … Wikipedia
vèneto — m 〈G ta〉 lingv. talijanski dijalekt koji se govori u Veneciji i u nekim našim primorskim krajevima … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
veneto — / vɛneto/ agg. [dal lat. Venĕtus ]. 1. [della regione della Venezia Euganea] ▶◀ (non com.) euganeo. 2. (estens.) [della città di Venezia: la Repubblica v. ] ▶◀ ‖ veneziano … Enciclopedia Italiana
véneto — véneto, ta adjetivo y sustantivo (persona) veneciano … Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos
veneto — vèneto m <G ta> DEFINICIJA reg. talijanski dijalekt koji se govori u Veneciji i nekoć u nekim našim primorskim krajevima ETIMOLOGIJA vidi Venecija … Hrvatski jezični portal
véneto — véneto, ta (Del lat. Venĕtus). 1. adj. Natural de Venecia. U. t. c. s.) 2. Perteneciente o relativo a esta ciudad de Italia … Diccionario de la lengua española
Veneto — [vā′nə tō΄, ven′ətō] region of N Italy, on the Adriatic: 7,080 sq mi (18,337 sq km); pop. 4,381,000; chief city, Venice … English World dictionary
Veneto — Infobox Region of Italy name = Veneto fullname = Regione Veneto isocode = capital = Venice status = Region governor = Giancarlo Galan ( Forza Italia House of Freedoms ) zone = Northern Italy province = 7 municipality = 581 language = Italian,… … Wikipedia
Véneto — Coordenadas: 45°30′N 11°45′E / 45.5, 11.75 … Wikipedia Español