
uff(a)! escl уф!

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "uffa" в других словарях:

  • uffà! — uffa! …   Dizionario Materano

  • Uffa — (Wuffa), so v.w. Offa …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • uffa — interiez. [voce onomatopeica]. [esclam. con la quale si suole esprimere un impulso d impazienza e di stizza o anche un sentimento di fastidio e di noia] ▶◀ auf, uff …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • uffa — ùf·fa inter. AU esprime noia, fastidio, impazienza e sim.: uffa, che caldo!, uffa, non la smette più di parlare!; anche s.m.inv. Sinonimi: auff, auffa, uff, uffete. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1891. ETIMO: voce onom …   Dizionario italiano

  • Uffa Fox — (1898 1972) was an English boat designer and sailing enthusiast.LifeUffa fox was born on the Isle of Wight and was raised in Cowes. [ [http://www.uffafox.com/uffabiog.htm Uffa Fox biography] , [http://www.uffafox.com/index.htm Uffa Fox official… …   Wikipedia

  • Uffa FOX — (1898 1972) fut un grand régatier et un immense architecte naval. Né sur l île de Wight, Uffa Fox est considéré comme le père du dériveur moderne. Après un apprentissage de sept ans avec le grand constructeur de bateaux A.E. Saunders, il décide,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Uffa Fox — (1898 1972) fut un régatier et un architecte naval britannique. Biographie Né sur l île de Wight, Uffa Fox est considéré comme le père du dériveur moderne. Après un apprentissage de sept ans avec le grand constructeur de bateaux A.E. Saunders, il …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dinghy sailing — A Contender dinghy on a broad reach. Dinghy sailing is the activity of sailing small boats by using five essential controls: the sails the foils (i.e. the daggerboard or centreboard and rudder and sometimes lifting foils as found on the Moth).… …   Wikipedia

  • Edoardo Bennato — (July 23, 1949) is an Italian singer songwriter.Edoardo Bennato began his music career in the early Sixties (the first single was published on 1966) as one of the most creative and innovative songwriters of his time. His music distinguished… …   Wikipedia

  • Airborne lifeboat — A British, Uffa Fox type airborne lifeboat, shown rigged for sailing, in front of a Vickers Warwick Airborne lifeboats were powered lifeboats that were made to be dropped by fixed wing aircraft into water to aid in air sea rescue operations. An… …   Wikipedia

  • Flying Fifteen (keelboat) — IntroductionThe Flying Fifteen is a keelboat designed by Uffa Fox in 1947. It is a 20ft boat sailed by 2 people. Designed by the legendary Uffa Fox, the 6m (20ft) Flying Fifteen has maintained its reputation as an exciting and competitive two man …   Wikipedia

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