
tréspolo 1) козлы, подставка; табуретка на трёх ножках 2) fig рыдван, драндулет

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "trespolo" в других словарях:

  • trespolo — / trespolo/ s.m. [lat. tardo trespes pĕdis, forma pop. per il lat. class. tripes pĕdis, comp. di tres tre e pes piede ]. 1. [arnese formato di un piano, o altro supporto, sostenuto da tre (o anche quattro) piedi] ▶◀ ‖ cavalletto, sgabello,… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • trespolo — trè·spo·lo s.m. 1. CO supporto di varia forma che poggia su tre o quattro piedi, usato come appoggio o come sgabello: un pappagallo sul trespolo 2. TS arred. sgabello con schienale e tre gambe divaricate, molto diffuso nel sec. XVI 3. RE ven.,… …   Dizionario italiano

  • trespolo — {{hw}}{{trespolo}}{{/hw}}s. m. 1 Supporto a tre o quattro elementi divaricati che reggono un piano o un altro supporto, usato un tempo spec. per reggere tavole e letti. 2 (fig., scherz.) Veicolo, o apparecchio, congegno e sim., vecchio e… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • trespolo — pl.m. trespoli …   Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari

  • trespolo — s. m. cavalletto, treppiede, treppiedi, sostegno, portavasi, tripode …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Il Trespolo tutore — ( Trespolo the Tutor ) is a comic opera in three acts by the Italian composer Alessandro Stradella with a libretto by Giovanni Cosimo Villifranchi. It was first performed at the Teatro Falcone, Genoa on 30 or 31 January, 1679. It is considered… …   Wikipedia

  • Il Trespolo Degli Angeli — (Бари,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via Piazzetta 62 Marinai, 15, 70122 …   Каталог отелей

  • Comic opera — This article is about the musical genre. For Robert Wyatt album, see Comicopera. Comic opera denotes a sung dramatic work of a light or comic nature, usually with a happy ending. Forms of comic opera first developed in late 17th century Italy. By …   Wikipedia

  • Magnificat Baroque Ensemble — The Magnificat Baroque Ensemble, or Magnificat, is an early music ensemble of voices and instruments specializing in the Baroque music of the 17th century under the artistic direction of Baroque cellist Warren Stewart. Stewart founded the… …   Wikipedia

  • The opera corpus — is a list of nearly 2,500 works by more than 775 individual opera composers. Some of the works listed below are still being performed today   but many are not. The principal works of the major composers are given as well as those of historical… …   Wikipedia

  • Страделла А. —         (Stradella) Алессандро (ок. 1 X 1644, Рим 25 или 28 II 1682, Генуя) итал. композитор. Мальчиком пел в хоре церкви Сан Марчелло в Риме, был учеником Э. Бернабеи. Одно из ранних соч. С. мотет в честь Филиппо Нери (написан для королевы… …   Музыкальная энциклопедия

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