Смотреть что такое "transumanza" в других словарях:
Transumanza — The transumanza is the Italian term for transhumance, the traditional twice yearly migration of sheep and cows from the highlands to the lowlands, and vice versa. The word literally means crossing the land .… … Wikipedia
transumanza — tran·su·màn·za s.f. CO trasferimento stagionale di greggi o mandrie dalle pianure ai pascoli estivi delle regioni montuose {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: ca. 1900. ETIMO: cfr. fr. transhumance … Dizionario italiano
transumanza — {{hw}}{{transumanza}}{{/hw}}s. f. Trasferimento del bestiame in estate ai pascoli della montagna e in autunno al piano … Enciclopedia di italiano
transumanza — pl.f. transumanze … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
transumanza — s. f. (di gregge) trasferimento, migrazione … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Abruzzo — Infobox Region of Italy name = Abruzzo fullname = Regione Abruzzo isocode = capital = L Aquila status = Region governor = vacant zone = Southern Italy province = 4 municipality = 305 arearank = 13th area = 10,794 areapercent = 3.6 population as… … Wikipedia
Valle San Giovanni — is a small village in the province of Teramo, in the Abruzzo region of central Italy. It is a frazione of the town of Teramo.GeographyThe village has a population of about 350 people and lies about six miles from Teramo. The Adriatic Sea and the… … Wikipedia
Valle Soprana — is a small village in the province of Teramo, in the Abruzzo region of central Italy. It is a frazione of the town of Teramo.GeographyValle Soprana lies about six miles from Teramo, near the edge of the Gran Sasso National Park. Leading up to the … Wikipedia
Villa Popolo — is a small village in the province of Teramo, in the Abruzzo region of central Italy. It is a frazione of the comune of Torricella Sicura.GeographyIt is located next to the small community of Ioanella and about 1.5 miles from Teramo, the… … Wikipedia
Scapriano — is a small village in the province of Teramo, in the Abruzzo region of central Italy. It is a frazione of the town of Teramo.GeographyScapriano lies in a hilly area about 2 km from Teramo, the provincial capital. Just below the village the stream … Wikipedia
Monti della Laga — as seen from the Province of Teramo. Monti della Laga is a mountain range in the central Apennines, Italy. Their ruggedness and inaccessibility makes them one of the lesser known areas of the Italian peninsula. Contents … Wikipedia