Смотреть что такое "terracqueo" в других словарях:
terracqueo — /tɛ r:ak:weo/ agg. [dal lat. mediev. terraqueus, comp. di terra e aqua ]. [che è formato di terra e acqua, solo nelle espressioni globo t. ; orbe t. ] ● Espressioni: globo (o orbe) terracqueo [il pianeta abitato dall uomo, il terzo dei pianeti in … Enciclopedia Italiana
terracqueo — ter·ràc·que·o agg. BU che è composto di terra e di acqua: il globo, l orbe terracqueo, la Terra {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: terraqueo. DATA: 1687. ETIMO: comp. di terra e acqueo, cfr. ingl. terraqueous … Dizionario italiano
terracqueo — {{hw}}{{terracqueo}}{{/hw}}V. terraqueo … Enciclopedia di italiano
terracqueo — pl.m. terracquei sing.f. terracquea pl.f. terracquee … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Carlo Amoretti — was an erudite ecclesiastic, scholar, writer, and scientist. His life straddled the 18th and 19th centuries. He was born on 16 March 1741 in Oneglia, now Imperia in the Liguria region, Italy and died on 23 March 1816.He entered the Augustinian… … Wikipedia
terra — A s. f. 1. mondo, orbe, globo terrestre, globo terracqueo, superficie emersa, terraferma CFR. geo □ mare, cielo 2. vita terrena CFR. mondo soprannaturale, aldilà 3. territorio, regione, paese, zona, landa □ … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Пигафетта Антонио Франческо — Пигафетта (Pigafetta) Антонио Франческо (ок. 1491, Виченца,‒ после 1534, там же), итальянский мореплаватель, участник экспедиции Магеллана ‒ Элькано (1519‒22). Во время 1 го кругосветного плавания вёл дневники, которые вручил императору Карлу V… … Большая советская энциклопедия
Пигафетта — (Pigafetta) Антонио Франческо (ок. 1491, Виченца, после 1534, там же), итальянский мореплаватель, участник экспедиции Магеллана Элькано (1519 22). Во время 1 го кругосветного плавания вёл дневники, которые вручил императору Карлу V… … Большая советская энциклопедия
Enrique of Malacca — This article discusses the slave and interpreter of Ferdinand Magellan. See Henry the Black (disambiguation) for other uses Enrique of Malacca was a native of the Malay Archipelago. In the firsthand account of Antonio Pigafetta he was named… … Wikipedia
Gatighan — The isle of Gatighan was a way station of the Armada de Molucca under Captain General Ferdinand Magellan on their way to Cebu in Central Philippines. The name appears only in the map and text of the firsthand account of the Vicentine diarist… … Wikipedia
Andrés de San Martín — was the chief pilot cosmographer of the Armada de Molucca , the fleet commanded by Ferdinand Magellan.His nationality has been variously identified as Portuguese or French. Antonio Pigafetta wrote he was from Seville, and there s every reason to… … Wikipedia