- taf
- taf m v. teff
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
taf — taf … Dictionnaire des rimes
taf — ou taffe [ taf ] n. m. • XVIe tafe; o. obsc. ♦ Arg. 1 ♦ Peur. Avoir, foutre le taf (à qqn). 2 ♦ (1899) Part de butin. ⇒ pied. Avoir son taf, sa part, son compte. 3 ♦ Action, efficacité « Y mettre le taf » (Simonin), y aller carrément. ♢ Métier,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
TAF — hace referencia a: a Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF), un pronóstico del tiempo meteorológico que va a hacer en un aeropuerto; la empresa Transporte Aéreo Fortaleza conocida como TAF Linhas Aéreas; a Taf, vigésimo segunda letra del alfabeto… … Wikipedia Español
Taf|fy — «TAF ee», noun, plural fies. 1. a kind of chewy candy made of brown sugar or molasses boiled down, often with butter: »saltwater taffy. 2. Informal, Figurative. flattery: »There will be a reaction, and the whole party will unite in an offering of … Useful english dictionary
taf|fy — «TAF ee», noun, plural fies. 1. a kind of chewy candy made of brown sugar or molasses boiled down, often with butter: »saltwater taffy. 2. Informal, Figurative. flattery: »There will be a reaction, and the whole party will unite in an offering of … Useful english dictionary
Taf — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase TAF. Letras hebreas א Álef ב Bet ג Guímel ד Dálet … Wikipedia Español
TAF — can mean: * TAF Linhas Aéreas, a Brazilian airline * Tokyo International Anime Fair, an anime trade fair held annually in Japan * The Athlete s Foot, a retail supplier of shoes and other sports apparel * Terminal Aerodrome Forecast, an encoded… … Wikipedia
Taf. — Taf. 〈Typ.; Abk. für〉 Tafel * * * Taf. = ↑Tafel (2 b) … Universal-Lexikon
taf|fe|ta — «TAF uh tuh», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a light, stiff silk cloth with a smooth, glossy surface. 2. a similar cloth, as of linen or rayon. 3. (originally) a plain, woven, glossy silk. –adj. 1. of taffeta. 2. Figurative. like taffeta: »taffeta… … Useful english dictionary
taf|fi|a — «TAF ee uh», noun. = tafia. (Cf. ↑tafia) … Useful english dictionary
taf|i|a — «TAF ee uh», noun. a liquor similar to rum, made in Haiti from low grade molasses, refuse brown sugar, or the like. ╂[American English; origin uncertain] … Useful english dictionary