Смотреть что такое "studentesco" в других словарях:
studentesco — /studen tesko/ agg. [der. di studente ] (pl. m. chi ). (educ.) [proprio degli studenti: il corpo s. ] ◀▶ ‖ docente, insegnante … Enciclopedia Italiana
studentesco — stu·den·té·sco agg., s.m. CO 1. agg., di studente, degli studenti: lotte studentesche, assemblea studentesca 2. s.m. TS sport spec. al pl. → campionato studentesco {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1896. ETIMO: der. di studente con esco … Dizionario italiano
studentesco — {{hw}}{{studentesco}}{{/hw}}agg. (pl. m. schi ) Di studente … Enciclopedia di italiano
studentesco — pl.m. studenteschi sing.f. studentesca pl.f. studentesche … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Traité carnavalesque italo-français de 2005 — L original du traité … Wikipédia en Français
Студенческий Блок — (итал. Blocco Studentesco, BS) неофашистская[1][2][3][4] молодёжная студенческая организация. Организация «Студенческий Блок» была создана в 2006 г. как молодёжное крыло движения «Каса Паунд». Студенческий Блок организует работу в школах,… … Википедия
studenţesc — STUDENŢÉSC, EÁSCĂ, studenţeşti, adj. Care aparţine studenţilor, privitor la studenţi, specific studenţilor. – Student + suf. esc. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 studenţésc adj. m., f. studenţeáscă; pl. m. şi … Dicționar Român
Gino Strada — (b. Luigi Strada April 21, 1948 in Sesto San Giovanni Milan, Italy) is a war surgeon and founder of the UN recognized Italian NGO Emergency. Emergency operates in thirteen war torn countries, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Sierra Leone,… … Wikipedia
Terza Posizione — The Terza Posizione (Ital. Third Position ) was a far right group founded in Rome in 1978 (but already present with the name of Lotta Studentesca from 1976). The TP rejected both capitalism and socialism, looking instead to found a third force or … Wikipedia
Gabriele Adinolfi — (Rome, January 3 1954) is an Italian far right ideologue and essayist. He was one of the prominent characters of the 1970 s extraparliamentary far right.BiographyEarly political career and Terza PosizioneAdinolfi starts his political activity in… … Wikipedia
Fiamma Tricolore — Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore Gründung 3. März 1995 Hauptsitz Circonvallazione Clodia, Rom … Deutsch Wikipedia