
stréga 1) ведьма (тж перен и бран); колдунья convegno delle streghe шабаш ведьм 2) fam феминистка
¤ punto a strega вышивка крестиком anello delle streghe — ведьмин круг (грибов)

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "strega" в других словарях:

  • Strega — may refer to: *Strega Prize, an Italian literary award * a female practitioner of Stregheria. *Strega a novel by Andrew Vachss. *Strega (liqueur) *Strega: A fictional group of Persona Users in the game Persona 3 …   Wikipedia

  • strega — / strega/ s.f. [lat. strĭga, der. (come var. pop.) di strix igis civetta ]. 1. (etnol.) [secondo la mitologia popolare, essere soprannaturale di aspetto femminile che compie riti o incantesimi, spec. ai danni di altre persone: credere alle s. ]… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Strega® — /strāˈgə/ noun A sweet, bright yellow Italian liqueur flavoured with herbs …   Useful english dictionary

  • Strega — Eine Strega Flasche Strega oder Liquore Strega ist ein italienischer Kräuterlikör, der seit 1860 von der Distilleria Strega Alberti Benevento S.p.A. in Benevento, Kampanien hergestellt wird. Seine gelbe Farbe erhält der Likör durch die Verwendung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Strega — Ancienne publicité affichée à l extérieur du caffè Gambrinus …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Strega — Un botella (casi vacía) de Strega. El Strega (o Liquore Strega) es un licor de hierbas italiano producido desde 1860 por la S. A. Distilleria Liquore Strega en Benevento (Campania, Italia). Su color amarillo se debe al azafrán que incluye la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Strega — (STRAY gah) In ancient Rome there was a type of VAMPIRIC WITCH called a strega ( female witch ), or stregone ( male witch ) if the witch was a man (see LIVING VAMPIRE). At night, the strega would shapeshift into a bird or ride upon her flying… …   Encyclopedia of vampire mythology

  • strega — stré·ga s.f. AD 1a. donna a cui la credenza popolare, spec. in epoca medievale, attribuiva poteri magici che le sarebbero derivati da rapporti col diavolo: convegno delle streghe: raduno notturno per celebrare riti magici, sabba, ecc. | anche… …   Dizionario italiano

  • stréga — e ž (ẹ) knjiž. strežba, streženje: dobra strega / strega stroju …   Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika

  • Strega (liqueur) — Strega (or Liquore Strega), is an Italian herbal liqueur produced since 1860 by the S. A. Distilleria Liquore Strega in Benevento, Campania, Italy. Its yellow color comes from the presence of saffron in its recipe. Liquore Strega is 80 proof… …   Wikipedia

  • Strega Nona — (ISBN 0 671 66606 1) is an original children s book written and illustrated by Tomie dePaola about an elderly lady who helps her fellow villagers out with their troubles, most notably by curing headaches, helping single women find husbands, and… …   Wikipedia

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