
stratèga (pl -ghi) стратег

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "stratega" в других словарях:

  • stratega — v. stratego …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • stratega — stra·tè·ga s.m. e f. CO 1. esperto di strategia militare: Cesare fu uno dei più abili strateghi dell Impero Romano 2. estens., persona particolarmente abile nell individuare i mezzi per raggiungere un determinato obiettivo, per risolvere una… …   Dizionario italiano

  • stratega — {{hw}}{{stratega}}{{/hw}}s. m.  ( anche f.  nel sign. 2 ; pl. m.   ghi; pl. f.   ghe ) 1 Capo, comandante militare che ha il senso e l esperienza della strategia: Giulio Cesare e Napoleone sono fra i massimi strateghi della storia mondiale. 2… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • stratega — s. m. 1. comandante, condottiero, capitano, generale, duce 2. (est.) pianificatore, tattico, calcolatore …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Apracaraja Indravarman's Silver Reliquary — An Inscribed Silver Buddhist Reliquary or Apracaraja Indravarman s Silver Reliquary [The item belongs to the Shumei Culture Foundation in Otsu, Japan and was loaned to Los Angeles County Museum of Art, when it was studied by Richard Saloman of… …   Wikipedia

  • Apraca — Apraca, or Avaca, was an ancient Indo Scythian kingdom or satrapy in the area of Bajaur in modern Pakistan from the 1st century BCE to the 1st century CE. Its rulers formed a small dynasty, called the Apracarajas. The territory was the stronghold …   Wikipedia

  • Vijayamitra — was an Indo Scythian king of the Apracas in modern Pakistan. He is mentioned in a recently discovered inscription in Kharoshthi on a Buddhist reliquary, which gives a relationship between several eras of the period:: In the twenty seventh 27 year …   Wikipedia

  • Legacy of the Indo-Greeks — The Legacy of the Indo Greeks starts with the formal end of the Indo Greek Kingdom from the 1st century CE, as the Greek communities of central Asia and northwestern India lived under the control of the Kushan branch of the Yuezhi, apart from a… …   Wikipedia

  • Liste der börsennotierten deutschen Unternehmen — Diese Liste enthält alle börsennotierten Unternehmen (Aktiengesellschaften, Kommanditgesellschaften auf Aktien und Europäische Gesellschaften) mit Haupt Firmensitz in Deutschland. Dies schließt neben den Aktien des regulierten Marktes… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • stràtēg — m 〈G stratéga, N mn stratézi〉 1. {{001f}}pov. a. {{001f}}vojskovođa u antičkoj Grčkoj b. {{001f}}u Bizantskom Carstvu, od 7. st., vojni i civilni zapovjednik teme (temata) 2. {{001f}}vojn. onaj koji je stručnjak za strategiju 3. {{001f}}pren.… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • stràtēgija — ž 1. {{001f}}vojn. dio ratne vještine koja se bavi pripremom i upotrebom oružanih snaga kao cjeline i u velikim operacijama 2. {{001f}}ekon. utvrđivanje dugoročnih ciljeva poduzeća i načina njihova ostvarivanja 3. {{001f}}pren. vještina stratega… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

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