
stallare vi (e) стоять в стойле <в хлеву, в конюшне>

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "stallare" в других словарях:

  • stallare — v. intr. [der. di stalla ] (aus. avere ), ant. 1. (zoot.) [essere tenuti nella stalla o in altro ricovero adatto] ▶◀ stabulare. 2. [di animale, espellere le feci] ▶◀ (pop.) cacare, defecare …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • stallare — 1stal·là·re v.intr. (essere) TS aer. provocare o subire una situazione di stallo {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1769. 2stal·là·re v.intr. e tr. 1. v.intr. (avere) OB TS mar. manovrare con vele e ancore per resistere al vento e al mare grosso 2.… …   Dizionario italiano

  • Björn Stallare — was an 11th century Norwegian diplomat involved in the marriage negotiations between Olaf II of Norway and Olof of Sweden about Ingegerd Olofsdotter; these also involved Ragnvald Ulfsson and Hjalti Skeggiason.In the second world war, Arne Skouen… …   Wikipedia

  • Olof Skötkonung — King of Sweden Coin minted for King Olof in Sigtuna Reign 995–1022 Predecessor …   Wikipedia

  • Þorgnýr the Lawspeaker — (Old Icelandic: Þorgnýr lögmaðr , Swedish: Torgny Lagman ) is the name of one of at least three generations of lawspeakers by the name Þorgnýr , who appear in the Heimskringla by the Icelandic scholar and chieftain Snorri Sturluson, and in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Hjalti Skeggiason — was an Icelandic chieftain who supported Gizurr the White for the introduction of Christianity in Iceland, on the Althing in 1000.Later he spent time with the Norwegian king Olaf the Stout and accompanied Björn Stallare on his diplomatic mission… …   Wikipedia

  • Bjorn — (English), Björn (Swedish and Icelandic), Bjørn (Norwegian and Danish), Beorn (Old English) or, rarely, Bjôrn, Biorn, or Latinized Biornus , is a Nordic male given name, or less often a surname, meaning bear , and may refer to: Infobox Given Name …   Wikipedia

  • Audun Hugleiksson — (Hestakorn) (born c. 1240, executed 2 December 1302 in Bergen) was a Norwegian nobleman at the end of the 13th century. He was the king s right hand, both under Magnus Lagabøte and Eirik Magnusson, and was seen as an important politician and… …   Wikipedia

  • Audun Hugleiksson — (* 1245 in Jølster; † 2. Dezember 1302 in Bergen (Norwegen)) war Baron, Stallmeister und königlicher Schatzmeister unter König Erik II. von Norwegen sowie dessen bevorzugter Botschafter. Er war am Ende des 13. Jahrhundert der dominierende… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Geschichte Norwegens/Christliches Mittelalter — Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Die Söhne Magnus Barfots 2 Der Bürgerkrieg 2.1 Die Quellenlage 2.2 Die Ereignisse 2.3 Magnus Sigurdsson und Harald Gille 2.4 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Geschichte Norwegens: Das christliche Mittelalter — Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Die Söhne Magnus Barfots 2 Der Bürgerkrieg 2.1 Die Quellenlage 2.2 Die Ereignisse 2.3 Magnus Sigurdsson und Harald Gille 2.4 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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