- sororicida
- sororicida m, f сестроубийца
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
sororicida — s. 2 g. Pessoa que pratica o sororicídio … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
sororicida — so·ro·ri·cì·da s.m. e f., agg. CO s.m. e f., uccisore della propria sorella | agg., relativo a chi uccide una sorella {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1556. ETIMO: dal lat. sororicīda(m), comp. di soror sorella e cida cida … Dizionario italiano
Sororicida — Søstermorder … Danske encyklopædi
sororicida — pl.m. sororicidi pl.f. sororicide … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
sororicide — sororicidal, adj. /seuh rawr euh suyd , ror /, n. 1. a person who kills his or her sister. 2. the act of killing one s own sister. [1650 60; < L sororicida one who kills his sister, cidium the act of killing one s sister, equiv. to soror (s. of… … Universalium
sororicide — (so ro ri si d ) s. m. 1° Meurtre d une soeur. 2° Meurtrier de sa soeur. • Romulus qui fut allaité D une louve, fut fratricide ; Horace fut sororicide, SCARR. Poés. div. Oeuvr. t. VII, p. 147. ÉTYMOLOGIE Lat. sororicida, de soror, soeur … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
sororicide — /səˈrɒrəsaɪd/ (say suh roruhsuyd), / ˈrɔ / (say raw ) noun 1. someone who kills his or her sister. 2. the act of killing one s sister. {Latin sorōricīda (def. 1), sorōricīdium (def. 2). See cide} –sororicidal, adjective …
seur — Seur, f. Soror, Il semble mieux d escrire Soeur, par oe diphthongue. La seur de mon mari, Glos glossis. La seur de ma mere, Matertera, Matruelis. La seur du pere de nostre bisayeul du costé du pere, Abamita. La seur de la mere grand de nostre… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
sororicide — [sə rôr′ə sīd΄] n. 1. [LL sororicidium < L soror, SISTER + caedere, to strike, kill] the act of murdering one s own sister 2. [L sororicida] a person who does this sororicidal adj … English World dictionary
sororicide — səˈrȯrəˌsīd noun ( s) Etymology: in sense 1, from Medieval Latin sororicidium, from Latin soror sister + i + cidium cide (killing); in sense 2, from Latin sororicida, from soror + i + cida cide ( … Useful english dictionary
so|ror|i|cide — so|ror|i|cide1 «suh RR uh syd, ROR », noun. the act of killing one s sister. ╂[< Latin sorōricīdium < soror, ōris sister + cīdium act of killing] so|ror|i|cide2 «suh RR uh syd, ROR », noun. a person who kills one s sister. ╂[< Latin… … Useful english dictionary