- sonnambulo
- sonnàmbulo 1. agg сомнамбулический, лунатический 2. m сомнамбула, лунатик
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
sonnambulo — son·nàm·bu·lo agg., s.m. CO TS med. che, chi è affetto da sonnambulismo {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: sonnambolo. DATA: 1743. ETIMO: dal fr. somnambule, comp. del lat. somnus sonno e ambulāre camminare … Dizionario italiano
sonnambulo — {{hw}}{{sonnambulo}}{{/hw}}agg. ; anche s. m. (f. a ) Affetto da sonnambulismo … Enciclopedia di italiano
sonnambulo — pl.m. sonnambuli sing.f. sonnambula pl.f. sonnambule … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Maciste — (pronounced|maˈtʃiste) is one of the oldest recurring characters in cinema. He cuts a heroic figure throughout the history of the cinema of Italy, even if the movies that featured him were usually of poor artistic quality. He is usually depicted… … Wikipedia
Michele Carafa — Michele Enrico Carafa di Colobrano (17 November 1787 – 26 July 1872) was an Italian opera composer. He was born in Naples and studied in Paris with Luigi Cherubini. He was Professor of counterpoint at the Paris Conservatoire from 1840 to 1858.… … Wikipedia
Luigi Ricci (composer) — Luigi Ricci (8 July 1805 ndash; 31 December 1859), was an Italian composer, particularly of operas.He was the elder brother of Federico Ricci, with whom he collaborated on several works. Life Ricci born and educated in Naples, where he wrote his… … Wikipedia
Teatro Valle — Commissioned by the Capranica family, the architect Tommaso Morelli designed the theatre which was built in 1726. It was inaugurated with the staging of the tragedy Matilde by Simon Falconio Pratoli. After hosting a season of opera seria in 1730 … Wikipedia
Luigi Ricci — (* 8. Juli (oder Juni) 1805 wahrscheinlich in Neapel; † 31. Dezember 1859 in Prag) war ein italienischer Komponist. Luigi Ricci, Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage Inhalt … Deutsch Wikipedia
Maciste — ist eine vom italienischen Dichter Gabriele D Annunzio erfundene Heldengestalt mit herkulischen Kräften aus der Geschichte Karthagos. Im Film wurde sie erstmals in Giovanni Pastrones Monumentalfilmklassiker Cabiria (1914) von Bartolomeo Pagano… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Michele Carafa — Michele Cara … Deutsch Wikipedia
Felice Romani — (Gênes, 31 janvier 1788 – Moneglia, 28 janvier 1865) est un librettiste, poète, érudit en littérature et mythologie et critique musical italien. Auteur des livrets d opéras de Gaetano Donizetti et Vincenzo Bellini notamment, Romani est considéré… … Wikipédia en Français