Смотреть что такое "skating" в других словарях:
skating — [ skɛtiŋ ] n. m. • 1871; mot angl., de to skate « patiner » ♦ Anglic. Patinage avec des patins à roulettes. Lieu, piste où l on pratique ce sport. I. ⇒SKATING1, subst. masc. A. SPORTS, vieilli. Patinage avec des patins à roulettes ou des patins à … Encyclopédie Universelle
Skating — steht für das Laufen in der Skating Technik (Schlittschuhschritt) beim Skilanglauf, Rollskilauf und Nordic Blading Inlineskaten Schlittschuhlaufen, siehe Eislauf bei Tonabnahme von Plattenspielern auftretende ungewünschte seitliche Kräfte, siehe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
skating — (angl.) [pron. scheĭting] s. n., (obiecte) pl. skatinguri Trimis de gall, 06.03.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2 … Dicționar Român
skating — / skeitiŋ/, it. / sketing/ s. ingl. [der. di (to ) skate pattinare ], usato in ital. al masch. (sport.) [sport che si pratica calzando ai piedi dei pattini forniti di rotelle o di lame per il ghiaccio] ▶◀ pattinaggio, [a rotelle] schettinaggio … Enciclopedia Italiana
skating — /ˈske(i)tin(g), ingl. ˈskeɪtɪŋ/ [vc. ingl., da to skate «pattinare»] s. m. inv. pattinaggio, schettinaggio … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Skating — Wiktionarypar|skatingThere are several varieties of skating:*Ice skating and various sub forms: **Speed skating **Tour skating **Figure skating *Roller skating and various sub forms: **Inline aggressive skate **Freestyle slalom skating **Artistic … Wikipedia
Skating — Ski de fond Ski de fond Fédération internationale FIS (fondée en 1924) Sport olympique depuis 1924 Autres appellations aucune autre appellation … Wikipédia en Français
skating — I Sport in which bladelike runners or sets of wheels attached to shoes are used for gliding on ice or on surfaces other than ice. See figure skating, ice dancing, ice hockey, roller skating, speed skating. II (as used in expressions) figure… … Universalium
skating — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ ice, roller ▪ in line (esp. AmE) ▪ figure (usually figure skating), speed ▪ pair … Collocations dictionary
Skating — A typical and popular sport in the Netherlands, mainly practiced on artificial ice because most Dutch winters are mild. Dur ing the 1960s, the first outdoor 400 meter skating rinks were opened in Amsterdam and Deventer. In the same period,… … Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands
skating — noun the sport of gliding on skates • Derivationally related forms: ↑skate • Hypernyms: ↑sport, ↑athletics • Hyponyms: ↑ice skating, ↑roller skating, ↑skateboarding, ↑ … Useful english dictionary