
sènapa горчица impiastro di senapa горчичник
¤ far venire la senapa al naso reg привести в бешенство

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "senapa" в других словарях:

  • senapa — sè·na·pa s.f. BU var. → senape …   Dizionario italiano

  • senapa — {{hw}}{{senapa}}{{/hw}}V. senape …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • Agua potable y saneamiento en el Perú — Perú: Agua y Saneamiento Datos Cobertura del agua potable(definición amplia) 83% Cobertura del alcantarillado (definición amplia) 68% Continuidad de servicio(%) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sarek (Star Trek novel) — Sarek is a novel by A. C. Crispin, set in the fictional Star Trek universe. It is set shortly after the motion picture . Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan discovers evidence of a complicated plot to cripple the United Federation of Planets; he must work …   Wikipedia

  • Aberdeen, Washington — Infobox Settlement official name = Aberdeen, Washington settlement type = City nickname = motto = imagesize = image caption = image imagesize = image caption = image mapsize = 250px map caption = Location of Aberdeen in Grays Harbor County,… …   Wikipedia

  • Titlow Beach — is in Tacoma, Washington, USA. It is located along Puget Sound near the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. It has a beach, pool, community center, two restaurants, a view of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, a small boardwalk, and is a popular scuba diving… …   Wikipedia

  • senape — sè·na·pe s.f., s.m.inv., agg.inv. 1. s.f. CO condimento in pasta cremosa o in polvere ricavato dai semi macinati della senape bianca: un vasetto di senape, mettere la senape sulla carne, bistecca con la senape 2. s.f. TS farm., gastr. polvere o… …   Dizionario italiano

  • senape — {{hw}}{{senape}}{{/hw}}o (lett.) senapa A s. f. 1 Pianta erbacea delle Papaverali coltivata per i semi giallo rossastri o rosso nerastri finemente zigrinati, impiegati in medicina e in culinaria. 2 Salsa piccante a base di farina di senape. B  in …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • SINAPIS ALBA L. - ГОРЧИЦА БЕЛАЯ, АНГЛИЙСКАЯ — см. 345. Однолетнее растение. S. alba L. Г. белая, английская Sp. pl. (1753) 668. Синская (1928) 406. Культ. фл. VII (1941) 94. Ларин II (1951) 452, рис. Бахтеев (1960) 222, рис. S y n. Raphanus albus Crantz; Sinapis hispida Tenore; Bonnania… …   Справочник растений

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