Смотреть что такое "scitico" в других словарях:
scitico — scì·ti·co agg., s.m. 1. agg. TS stor. → scita 2. agg. TS geol. dello Scitico | s.m., spec. con iniz. maiusc., parte inferiore del Triassico alpino {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1498. ETIMO: dal lat. Scўthĭcu(m), dal gr. Skuthikós, v. anche scita … Dizionario italiano
scitico — pl.m. scitici sing.f. scitica pl.f. scitiche … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Enfield, Connecticut — Town Thompsonville Village of Enfield, Connecticut … Wikipedia
Connecticut Route 190 — Route 190 Route information … Wikipedia
Connecticut Route 191 — Route 191 Route information Maintained by ConnDOT Length: 9.30 mi … Wikipedia
List of place names in New England of aboriginal origin — This is a List of place names in New England of aboriginal origin. New England is in the northeastern part of the United States, and comprises six states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Listed are… … Wikipedia
Pocomtuc — The central Connecticut River Valley (modern day), the main area of Pocomtuc settlement. The Pocumtuck, also Pocomtuc or Deerfield Indians, were a Native American tribe formerly inhabiting western Massachusetts, especially around the confluence… … Wikipedia
Scantic River — The Scantic River (pronounced SKAN tik) is a river that flows through the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut. Its tributaries rise in the towns of Hampden, Wilbraham, East Longmeadow and Monson in Massachusetts, and in Stafford and Somers,… … Wikipedia
Pocumtuc — Wohngebiet der Pocumtuc und benachbarter Stämme um 1600 Die Pocumtuc waren Algonkin sprechende Indianer, die im heutigen westlichen Massachusetts und den angrenzenden Gebieten von Connecticut und Vermont lebten. Um 1600 schätzte man ihre Zahl auf … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pocomtuc — La tribu Pocomtuc ou Pocumtuck était une tribu amérindienne vivant dans la région du Massachusetts au nord est des États Unis. Ils vivaient plus précisément près de la confluence entre la rivière Deerfield et le fleuve Connecticut mais certains… … Wikipédia en Français
Тартария — У этого топонима есть и другие значения, см. Тэртерийские таблички … Википедия