Смотреть что такое "sargasso" в других словарях:
Sargasso — Sar*gas so, n. [Sp. sargazo seaweed.] (Bot.) The gulf weed. See under {Gulf}. [1913 Webster] {Sargasso Sea}, a large tract of the North Atlantic Ocean where sargasso in great abundance floats on the surface. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sargasso — seaweed, 1590s, from Port. sargasso seaweed, perhaps from sarga, a type of grape (on this theory, the sea plant was so called from its berry like air sacs), or from L. sargus, a kind of fish found in the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic, from… … Etymology dictionary
sargasso — s.m. [dal fr. sargasse, port. sargaço ]. (bot.) [specie di alghe appartenenti al genere Sargassum caratterizzate da tallo cilindrico da cui si dipartono elementi laterali galleggianti simili a foglie] ▶◀ Ⓖ (region.) uva marina. ⇑ alga … Enciclopedia Italiana
sargasso — sar·gàs·so s.m. 1a. TS bot. alga bruna del genere Sargasso, provvista di vescicole piene d aria che fungono da galleggianti, diffusa spec. nell Oceano Atlantico | con iniz. maiusc., genere della famiglia delle Sargassacee, cui appartengono alcune … Dizionario italiano
sargasso — n. kind of floating seaweed; gulfweed. ♦ Sargasso Sea, area of N Atlantic covered with mass of this … Dictionary of difficult words
sargasso — n. (also sargassum) (pl. os or oes or sargassa) any seaweed of the genus Sargassum, with berry like air vessels, found floating in island like masses, esp. in the Sargasso Sea of the N. Atlantic. Also called GULFWEED. Etymology: Port.… … Useful english dictionary
Sargasso-Drückerfisch — (Xanthichthys ringens) Systematik Stachelflosser (Acanthopterygii) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sargasso Sea — Sargasso Sar*gas so, n. [Sp. sargazo seaweed.] (Bot.) The gulf weed. See under {Gulf}. [1913 Webster] {Sargasso Sea}, a large tract of the North Atlantic Ocean where sargasso in great abundance floats on the surface. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sargasso Sea — [sär gas′ō] [Port sargaço: see SARGASSUM] region of calms in the N Atlantic, northeast of the West Indies, noted for its abundance of sargassum … English World dictionary
Sargasso Sea — The Sargasso Sea is a region in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by ocean currents. It is bounded on the west by the Gulf Stream; on the north, by the North Atlantic Current; on the east, by the Canary Current; and on the south … Wikipedia
Sargasso Sea — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Sargasso Sea – Im Meer der Leidenschaft Originaltitel Wide Sargasso Sea … Deutsch Wikipedia