
quòta f 1) часть, доля, членский взнос; econ квота, доля; ставка (тарифная) quota parte — пай assegnare la quota делать раскладку, определять размер обложения <налога> 2) (высотная) отметка, высота над уровнем моря (на топографических картах) quote di scandaglio nelle carte — глубины на карте 3) ставка (в игре) 4) aer высота quota di tangenza потолок, предельная высота prendere quota набрать высоту perdere quota а) снижаться, терять высоту б) fig терять позиции 5) отметка; размер (на чертеже)

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "quota" в других словарях:

  • quota — quota …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • quota — [ k(w)ɔta ] n. m. • 1927; angl. quota, mot lat., abrév. de quota pars → quote part ♦ Contingent ou pourcentage déterminé. Quotas laitiers. Quota d immigration (aux États Unis). Douanes Quotas d importations, d exportations : quantité de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Quota — may refer to:Affirmative action * Racial quota * Reservations in India * Quotas in PakistanComputing * Disk quota * Download quota * Upload quotaElectoral systems * Election threshold * Droop quota * Hagenbach Bischoff quota * Hare quota *… …   Wikipedia

  • quota — / kwɔta/ s.f. [dal lat. quota (pars ) a quanta (parte) , femm. di quotus quanto ]. 1. a. [parte di una somma globale di denaro dovuta da ciascuno dei partecipanti a un attività e sim.: q. di iscrizione ] ▶◀ caratura, pro quota. ‖ tassa. b.… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • quota — quo·ta / kwō tə/ n [Medieval Latin, from Latin quota pars how great a part] 1: a proportional part or share assigned to each in a body 2: a specific amount that serves as a minimum or maximum a law against traffic ticket quota s Merriam Webster’s …   Law dictionary

  • quota — |ó| s. f. 1. Porção ou parte fixa e determinada. = QUINHÃO, QUOTA PARTE 2. Parte que toca a cada uma das pessoas que devem pagar ou receber uma quantia. = PARCELA, QUINHÃO, QUOTA PARTE 3. Prestação periódica a pagar, muitas vezes mensal.… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Quota — Quo ta (kw[=o] t[.a]), n. [LL., fr. L. quota (sc. pars), fr. quotus which or what in number, of what number, how many, fr. quot how many, akin to quis, qui, who: cf. It. quota a share. See {Who}.] 1. A proportional part or share; the share or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quota — (n.) 1660s, from M.L. quota, from L. quota pars how large a part, from quota, fem. singular of quotus which, what number (in sequence). See QUOTE (Cf. quote). Earliest reference is to contributions of soldiers or supplies levied from a town or… …   Etymology dictionary

  • quota — ► NOUN 1) a limited quantity of a product which may be produced, exported, or imported. 2) a share that one is entitled to receive or bound to contribute. 3) a fixed number of a group allowed to do something, e.g. immigrants entering a country.… …   English terms dictionary

  • quota — [kwōt′ə] n. [ML, short for L quota pars, how large a part: fem. of quotus: see QUOTE] 1. a share or proportion which each of a number is called upon to contribute, or which is assigned to each; proportional share ☆ 2. the number or proportion… …   English World dictionary

  • quota — has the plural form quotas …   Modern English usage

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