Смотреть что такое "prolegomeni" в других словарях:
prolegomeni — /prole gɔmeni/ s.m. pl. [dal gr. (tá ) prolegómena, neutro pl. del part. pres. passivo di prolégō dire prima ], lett. [esposizione preliminare dei principi o delle proposizioni fondamentali di una disciplina] ▶◀ introduzione, premessa. ‖ proemio … Enciclopedia Italiana
prolegomeni — {{hw}}{{prolegomeni}}{{/hw}}s. m. pl. Discorso introduttivo a un opera | Trattato introduttivo allo studio di un autore o di una scienza … Enciclopedia di italiano
Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro — was a Spanish Jesuit and famous philologist; born at Horcajo, 1 May, 1735; died at Rome, 24 August, 1809. Having entered the Jesuit order at Madrid, he studied at Alcalá de Henares, devoting himself with special zeal to architecture and… … Wikipedia
Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro — El Abate Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro (1735 1809). Lorenzo García y Panduro, luego cambiados sus apellidos a Hervás y Panduro (Horcajo de Santiago, Cuenca, 10 de mayo de 1735 Roma, 24 de agosto de 1809), polígrafo jesuita, lingüista y filólogo… … Wikipedia Español
Giobérti — (spr. dscho ), Vincenzo, ital. Staatsmann, geb. 5. April 1801 in Turin, gest. 26. Okt. 1852 in Paris, studierte in Turin Theologie und Philosophie und wurde 1825 Priester und 1831 Kaplan des Königs Karl Albert. Wegen seiner freisinnigen Richtung… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Lorenzo Hervas y Panduro — Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro Spanish Jesuit and famous philologist; b. at Horcajo, 1 May, 1735; d. at Rome, 24 August, 1809. Having entered the Jesuit order at Madrid, he studied at… … Catholic encyclopedia
Natural law — For other uses, see Natural law (disambiguation). Natural law, or the law of nature (Latin: lex naturalis), is any system of law which is purportedly determined by nature, and thus universal.[1] Classically, natural law refers to the use of… … Wikipedia
Vincenzo Gioberti — (April 5, 1801–October 26, 1852) was an Italian philosopher, publicist and politician.BiographyGioberti was born in Turin.He was educated by the fathers of the Oratory with a view to the priesthood and ordained in 1825. At first he led a very… … Wikipedia
Samuel David Luzzatto — Not to be confused with Moshe Chaim Luzzatto. Samuel David Luzzatto (Hebrew: שמואל דוד לוצאטו) was an Italian Jewish scholar, poet, and a member of the Wissenschaft des Judentums movement. He is also known by his Hebrew acronym, Shadal (שד ל).… … Wikipedia
Chronicle of the Tocco family of Kefalonia — The Chronicle of the Tocco family of Kefalonia or simply Chronicle of the Toccos is a chronicle in fifteen syllable blank verse written in medieval Greek, which refers to the era of the Tocco family and especially to the years of Carlo I Tocco,… … Wikipedia
Luigi Tosti — (b. Naples, 13 Feb., 1811; d. at Monte Cassino, 24 Sept., 1897) was a Benedictine historian.LifeHis father, Count Giovanni Tosti, descended from an ancient Calabrian family, died young, and so his mother, Vittoria Corigliano, entrusted the child… … Wikipedia